358 Items found

Dec 03, 2018

Catching Lizards in Panama

On a co-op at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Gamboa, Panama, a small town outside of Panama City, Madeline works with a group of biologists to catch lizards in an effort to study how these reptiles are adapting to climate change, both physically and genetically.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Nov 15, 2018

Dream Co-op to Full Time Job

“I’m using my undergrad experience and my graduate experience that I built upon for my professional experience,” said Vineel Kondiboyina, MS, Bioengineering 2018. For many students, it is a dream to co-op with a company, end up loving the experience, and later ending up working for that company full time. For Vineel Kondiboyina, that is […]


Nov 09, 2018

A Powerful Combination

Ankita Pradeep, MS Data Analytics Engineering 2019, got her undergraduate industrial engineering degree in India. Back at home, she worked in the logistics industry for two years. There, she gained experience in data analysis, which drove her interest to the field and inspired her to apply to the brand-new Data Analytics Engineering master’s program at […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Nov 05, 2018

Studying How Lizards Adapt to Climate Change

Environmental engineering student Madeline DuBois, E’20, is spending her co-op in Panama studying how the anole lizard is adapting to climate change. Source: News @ Northeastern Want to find out what lizards have to say about climate change? First you have to catch them. Debora Almeida – November 5, 2018 It’s September, and Northeastern student […]

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Nov 02, 2018

A Fork in the Road

Zhuohan Yu, MS, Data Analytics Engineering 2021—It’s a lot easier to pick a career path when you first enter school and follow it. It’s harder to find out along the way that what you’re studying isn’t what you want to be doing. The hardest part is deciding to change your path and starting a new […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Nov 01, 2018

Dell EMC Co-op Leads to Patent

PhD Computer Engineering student Yifan Sun has been awarded a US patent while completing his co-op at EMC. This patent is 1 of 5 patent applications that have been submitted by Dell EMC listing Sun as a co-inventor.  Yifan Sun is a member of the Northeastern University Computer Architecture Laboratory. A student went off to […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Oct 30, 2018

Ready for the High Demand Field of Data Analytics

After he did his first master’s in bioengineering, Zhenyuan Lu, MS Data Analytics Engineering 2019, realized that data analytics was something he was also very interested in. He chose Northeastern’s Data Analytics Engineering program for the variety of practical courses and the co-op program, allowing him to apply his knowledge in the real world. “The […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Oct 30, 2018

Global Dialogue to Global Research and Beyond

A Dialogue of Civilizations program that Michael Tormey, BS Civil Engineering, 2020, completed three years ago highly influenced his academic choices and future plans. He enrolled at Northeastern as a civil engineer, and only after his Dialogue on Climate Change Science and Policy the summer of his freshman year, did Tormey realized how scientific advancements […]

Civil & Environmental Engineering