Awareness and Localization of Explosives-Related Threats (ALERT)

ALERT seeks to conduct transformational research, technology, and educational development for effective characterization, detection, mitigation, and response to the explosives-related threats facing the country and the world.

ALERT is an Emeritus Center of Excellence and was funded by the Department of Homeland Security.

Researchers in this partnership bring strengths in advanced sensor design, standoff weak-target detection, signal processing, sensor integration, explosives characterization, improvised explosive device (IED) detonator signatures, shock physics, and material science.

This expertise, combined with resources from national lab affiliates and other industrial and government partners, form a team capable of carrying out the daunting ALERT mission.

The ALERT research program is driven by inspiring challenges, providing ultra-reliable screening, improving the ability to detect explosives at a distance, and providing a seamless transition of research to the field are among the real-world challenges the center looks to impact. These challenges have defined our four core fundamental science research thrusts:

For more information contact:

Carey Rappaport
COE Distinguished Professor,  Electrical and Computer Engineering
Associate Director,  CenSSIS
Director,  ALERT
Deputy Director,  SENTRY

Electromagnetics, antennas, computational modeling, imaging radar hardware and alogorithms, bioelectromagnetic sensing and treatment

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