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7 Items found

Joseph Ayers

Affiliated Faculty, 
Bioengineering & Electrical and Computer Engineering

Development of underwater robots for civil infrastructure and explosive sensing; neurophysiology and behavior biomimetics

Tarik Gouhier

Associate Professor, 
Marine and Environmental Sciences

Population Biology

Carlos Hidrovo

Associate Professor, 
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Multiscale and multiphase flow and transport phenomena, surface tension interactions in micro/nanoengineered structures, and electrokinetic ion transport in porous media for applications in energy storage, portable biochemical diagnostics, thermal management, and water treatment systems

Julia Hopkins

Assistant Professor, 
Civil and Environmental Engineering

Coastal morphodynamics, including effects of extreme weather events on sediment transport in the surf zone; wave-current interactions in the nearshore; developing and implementing field-verified numerical models to study coastal processes, informing coastal management with process-based research

Philip Larese-Casanova

Associate Professor, 
Civil and Environmental Engineering

Physical, chemical, and electrochemical transformation processes of metallic, inorganic, and organic water pollutants, with applications to groundwater environments and unit operations

Carol Livermore

Associate Professor and Associate Chair for Operations, 
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

MEMS-enabled actuator systems (assistive technologies, energy harvesting, and flow control); origami-enabled microfluidics and tissue engineering; carbon nanomaterials

Kelsey Pieper

Assistant Professor, 
Civil and Environmental Engineering

Applied environmental chemistry; corrosion; drinking water quality, treatment, and infrastructure; post-disaster drinking water recovery; public health engineering