In the Media

309 Items found

Sep 18, 2017

Darpa's new infrared sensor needs almost no power to function

ECE Associate Professor Matteo Rinaldi was featured in the International Business Times article "Darpa's new infrared sensor needs almost no power to function"

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Sep 12, 2017

This tiny sensor could sleep for years between detection events

ECE Associate Professor Matteo Rinaldi's research was featured in the TechCrunch's article "This tiny sensor could sleep for years between detection events". See Related article: Sensing Without Consuming Power: Groundbreaking Work Showcased in Nature Nanotechnology

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Sep 11, 2017

Dormant, Yet Always-Alert Sensor Awakes Only in the Presence of a Signal of Interest

ECE Associate Professor Matteo Rinaldi’s research was featured in DARPA’s article on “Dormant, Yet Always-Alert Sensor Awakes Only in the Presence of a Signal of Interest” and Digital Trends “DARPA’s new smart sensor is powered by the infrared it’s designed to detect”

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Sep 03, 2017

Confronting weather extremes

CEE Professor Auroop Ganguly’s op-ed article on “Confronting weather extremes” was featured in the Millennium Post.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Aug 24, 2017

Engineers just created a tiny antenna, which could be used for brain implants

ECE Professor Nian Sun's research featured in Digital Trend's Engineers just created a tiny antenna, which could be used for brain implants. See Related Article: Reducing the Size of Antennas

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Aug 23, 2017

Ultra-small antennas point way to miniature brain implants

ECE Professor Nian Sun's research featured in Nature's Ultra-small antennas point way to miniature brain implants. See Related Article: Reducing the Size of Antennas

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Aug 23, 2017

Mini-antennas could power brain-computer interfaces

ECE Professor Nian Sun's research featured in Science Magazine's Mini-antennas could power brain-computer interfaces, medical devices and highlighted in ASEE's First Bell. See Related Article: Reducing the Size of Antennas

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Aug 21, 2017

ISEC Building is an Emblem of New Era at Northeastern

The new Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Complex (ISEC) was featured in the Boston Globe's article "ISEC Building is an Emblem of New Era at Northeastern"