Related News for Sara Wadia-Fascetti

In Mexico City, Public Transit Takes to the Air
Vice Provost of the PhD Network & CEE Professor Sara Wadia-Fascetti was featured in the Northeastern Experience magazine article “In Mexico City, Public Transit Takes to the Air.”

Expanding the Bridge to Doctorate STARS Program
Vice Provost of the PhD Network & CEE Professor Sara Wadia-Fascetti, Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs & MIE Professor Jacqueline Isaacs, CEE Affiliated Faculty Randall Hughes, and Associate Dean, Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Richard Harris were awarded a $1M NSF grant to expand the Northeastern LSAMP BD STARS Fellowship Pathway.
One Program, Two PhDs, Two Continents
Northeastern’s new international doctorate program—the Global Experiential PhD—provides students with an opportunity to earn separate PhDs from two universities in two continents while dramatically expanding the breadth of their research. As an added benefit, the program also expands the international job opportunities for graduates.

Taking Graduate Experience-Powered Learning to the Next Level
Northeastern has been building its worldwide network of co-op partners for more than a century and in 2020 was ranked No. 1 in the nation for co-ops/internships by U.S. News and World Report. Graduate students at Northeastern’s College of Engineering are gaining real-world experiences on co-op in industry and research, locally and globally, and also through our innovative Experiential PhD program.

Northeastern to Host LSAMP’s Bridge to the Doctorate Program under $1M NSF Grant
Provost and MIE Professor James Bean (PI) and co-PI Professors Barbara Guthrie (Bouvé), Carla Mattos (COS), Hameed Metghalchi (MIE), and Benjamin Hescott (CCIS), along with collaborators Richard Harris, COE Assistant Dean and Director of the Northeastern University Program in Multicultural Engineering, and Sara Wadia-Fascetti, Vice Provost of the PhD Network and CEE Professor, were awarded a $1M NSF grant for the “Strategic Advancement of Rising Scholars (STARS) Nominated by the Northeast Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (NE-LSAMP).”
PhD Network
Sara Wadia-Fascetti has been named as vice provost for the new PhD Network which will focus on building a sense of community among doctoral students and providing opportunities that will […]

Addressing the Nation’s Pressing Transportation Challenges
Northeastern University is one of 18 “forward thinking and influential institutions” selected by the USDOT to focus on exploring the challenges facing land and transit systems in America’s Northeast.
StreetScan Patent Nominated for Invented Here!
Ming Wang (CEE), Sara Wadia-Fascetti (CEE), & Carey Rappaport's (ECE) patent for “Roaming mobile sensor platform for collecting geo-referenced data and creating thematic maps” was nominated for the Boston Patent Law Association’s Invented Here! program.

VOTERS Awarded Patent
VOTERS professors Ming Wang (CEE), Sara Wadia-Fascetti (CEE), & Carey Rappaport (ECE) were awarded a patent for “Roaming mobile sensor platform for collecting geo-referenced data and creating thematic maps”. Abstract […]
CEE PhD student David Vines-Cavanaugh wins Young Researcher Award
CEE PhD student David Vines-Cavanaugh won first place for the Young Researcher Award at the International Symposium on Non-Destructive Testing in Civil Engineering (NDT-CE 2015).
Women Leading the Way in Science
CEE Professor & Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Studies Sara Wadia-Fascetti was one of 28 women with breakthroughs in science that were featured in Scientific Computing.
VOTERS featured in Boston Globe
Versatile Onboard Traffic Embedded Roaming Sensors (VOTERS) was featured in the Boston Globe for their van which detects where potholes and road problems are as it is driving.
Creating Sustainable Cities
COE faculty Andrew Myers, Jerry Hajjar, Carey Rappaport, Michael Silevitch, Sara Wadia-Fascetti, and Matthias Ruth are working on improving the sustainability of the urban environment.
Congratulations COE Award Winners
Congratulations to the recipients of this year's College of Engineering Faculty and Staff awards.

Answering The Challenge
The National Academy of Engineering has issued the “Grand Challenges for Engineering” which includes restoration and maintenance of urban infrastructure. CEE Professors Sara Wadia-Fascetti and Ming Wang are leading the VOTERS (Versatile Onboard Traffic mbedded Roaming Sensors) project, which will develop onboard multi-sensor technology that will detect structural flaws in roads and bridges.

Civil Faculty Win $9 Million NIST Grant to Study Infrastructure Conditions
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) announced nine awards for new research projects to develop advanced sensing technologies that would enable timely and detailed monitoring and inspection of the structural health of bridges, roadways and water systems that comprise a significant component of the nation's public infrastructure.
Department Faculty Awarded Prestigious NSF IGERT
A research team led by Prof. Sara Wadia-Fascetti and Prof. Dionisio Bernal, as well as researchers from Gordon-CenSSIS and the University of Puerto Rico Mayaguez, has been awarded a 5-year, $3 million NSF Integrated Graduate and Education Research Traineeship (IGERT) grant titled "Intelligent Diagnostics for Aging Civil Infrastructure." This is a multinational, interdisciplinary program that will provide significant graduate student support and strengthen our areas of research involving infrastructure health monitoring. Prof. Akram Alshawabkeh and Prof. Mehrdad Sasani were also part of the proposal team.
$9 Million Grant Awarded to Assess the Condition of Bridges and Roadways
The VOTERS (Versatile Onboard Traffic Embedded Roaming Sensors) project, led by Prof. Ming Wang and Sara Wadia-Fascetti, will gather accurate, up-to-date condition information on roadways and bridges using compact instrument packages installed in cars and trucks.
Dr. Sara Wadia-Fascetti named Director of Northeastern’s ADVANCE Program
Dr. Sara Wadia-Fascetti, who has served as Associate Vice Provost for Faculty Advancement since 2005, will assume the role of Director of ADVANCE and Special Assistant to the Provost for Faculty Development, effective immediately.