Related News for Yong-Bin Kim

Yong-Bin Kim

Kim Awarded South Korean Patent for Autonomous Impedance Calibration on Semiconductor Devices

ECE Professor Yong-Bin Kim was awarded a South Korean Patent for creating an “Impedance calibration device for semiconductor device.”

Yong-Bin Kim

Patent for Improved Receiver Circuit that Recovers the Transmitted Signal with Reduced Power Consumption

ECE Professor Yong Bin Kim was awarded a patent for designing a “receiver circuit”.

Detecting Trojan Circuits with On-Chip Temperature Sensors

ECE Associate Professor Marvin Onabajo and Professor Yong-Bin Kim were awarded a patent for creating a "method to use on-chip temperature sensors for detection of Trojan circuits". Abstract Source: USPTO […]

Professor Kim Awarded Patent

ECE Professor Yong-Bin Kim was awarded a patent for creating an “Impedance calibration device for semiconductor device”.

ECE Professor Kim and PhD Students Receive Best Paper Award

ECE Professor Yong-Bin Kim and two PhD students were given the Best Paper Award from the 2016 International SoC Design Conference in Jeju, Korea. The title of the awarded paper […]

Best Paper at Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems

ECE Associate Professor Yong-Bin Kim's paper on "Full Custom Implementation of a S-Box Circuit Architecture Using Power Gated PLA Structure" was selected as the best paper at the IEEE MWSCAS 2014 conference.

Kim Receives 2 Honors

Electrical and Computer Engineering Associate Professor Yong-Bin Kim received a best paper award at the International Soc Design Conference and was appointed an Associate Editor of the IEEE Transactions on […]