4156 Items found
Jerome Hajjar

Mar 19, 2022

Jerome F. Hajjar Elected Member of the National Academy of Engineering

Jerome Hajjar, CDM Smith Professor and Chair of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, has been elected a Member of the National Academy of Engineering (NAE). Election to NAE is considered the highest professional distinction accorded to an engineer. Hajjar was recognized for his distinguished contributions to engineering for “development of design criteria and models for stability and seismic design of innovative steel and composite structures.”

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Jerome Hajjar

Mar 17, 2022

Hajjar Leading NOWRDC Hurricane Resiliency Project

CEE Chair & CDM Smith Professor Jerome Hajjar is leading a multi-university $650K grant from the National Offshore Wind Research and Development Consortium for “Ensuring Long-Term Availability and Bankability of Offshore Wind Through Hurricane Risk Assessment and Mitigation.”

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Miriam Leeser

Mar 17, 2022

Leeser Recognized as Charter Member of IEEE Distinguished Contributors

ECE Professor Miriam Leeser was recognized as a charter member of the IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Contributor Program. The program was introduced in 2021 to showcase the immense combined technical expertise and innovation power of its membership while recognizing volunteer commitment.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Mar 15, 2022

New Sutural Gabions will Resist Impact and Vibrations

MIE Associate Professor Yaning Li, in collaboration with Jongmin Shim from the University at Buffalo, is leading a $667K NSF grant for “Bio-Inspired Impact-Resistant Phononic Sutural Gabions.”

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Mar 14, 2022

SEDS Student Group Finalist in NASA BIG Idea Challenge for Innovative Robot Snake Design

A Northeastern University student team, advised by Assistant Professor Alireza Ramezani, electrical and computer engineering, was one of seven university teams selected as finalists in the 2022 NASA’s BIG Idea Challenge. The team’s project, titled “COBRA: Crater Observing Bio-inspired Rolling Articulator,” received $174K in funds to further develop and test the technologies over the next 10 months. COBRA is a snake-like design for their robot which will allow it to traverse the extreme terrains on the moon’s surface.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Andrew Myers, an associate professor of civil and environmental engineering at Northeastern received a $1.7 million grant by Massachusetts Clean Energy Center's (MassCEC) Catalyst and InnovateMass programs, which will support the develop of an innovative floating wind turbine.

Mar 14, 2022

CEE Spinout Wins Accelerator Grant to Continue Wind Energy Research

CEE Associate Professor Andrew Myers, an expert in structural engineering, and Senior Research Engineer Jim Papadopoulos, an expert in structural/mechanical design, recently founded a startup company developing novel offshore wind energy solutions spun out from research conducted at Northeastern University. Now, their startup T-Omega Wind has received a new grant to continue development.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Mar 10, 2022

ECE PhD Students Nominated as Finalists for Best Paper at IEEE Conference

Xuanyi Zhao, PhD’23, and Onurcan Kaya, PhD’24, electrical engineering, have been nominated as finalists for the best student paper at the 2022 Joint conference of the European Frequency and Time Forum & the IEEE International Frequency Control Symposium.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Mar 08, 2022

Modeling Data from Hurricane Impacts to Natural and Hybrid Infrastructure

CEE/MES Professor Qin Jim Chen, in collaboration with Navid Jafari from Louisiana State University, is leading a $765k NSF grant for “Integrated Numerical Modeling and Field Observations of Hurricane Impacts to Natural and Hybrid Infrastructure.”

Civil & Environmental Engineering