4156 Items found

Nov 05, 2021

$36M DHS Center of Excellence for SENTRY Surveillance System to Protect Public Spaces

Michael Silevitch, Robert D. Black Distinguished Professor of ECE, has been awarded $36 million over 10 years to lead a new Department of Homeland Security (DHS) multi-institutional Center of Excellence, SENTRY (Soft target Engineering to Neutralize the Threat Reality). SENTRY will develop a “Virtual Sentry” system that provides just-in-time information to key decision makers to protect civilian soft targets such as transit stations and schools, and crowded spaces such as stadiums from covert threats.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Kaushik Chowdhury, Tommaso Melodia, and Francesco Restuccia

Nov 04, 2021

Institute of Wireless Internet of Things Part of IARPA Contract

The Institute for the Wireless Internet of Things is participating in an Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity (IARPA) contract led by AiRANACULUS®, a Massachusetts-based technology company. The IARPA program is focused on identifying unexpected radio frequency (RF) transmissions to detect attempted data breaches. ECE Professors Kaushik Chowdhury (lead), Tommaso Melodia, and Francesco Restuccia, will work on designing machine learning techniques and support experimental testing for signal analysis and classification.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Nov 03, 2021

Evaluating Earthquake Resilience in Urban Areas

CEE Professor Mehrdad Sasani was awarded a $400K NSF grant for a “Scalable Assessment of Urban Earthquake Resilience: A Novel Model-informed Deep Learning Paradigm.” This Disaster Resilience Research Grants (DRRG) project will enable assessment of earthquake resilience for large-scale urban building clusters via developing a fundamentally novel and scalable AI-empowered model. The outcome of this project can be used to evaluate earthquake resilience of building clusters in large-scale urban areas.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Nov 03, 2021

Students Receive Oral Presentation Awards at ASPB Annual Meeting

Students advised by ChE/COS Associate Professor Carolyn Lee-Parsons received awards for their oral presentations at the Northeast American Society of Plant Biologists Annual Meeting. Lauren Cole, PhD’21, BioE:  1st place in the graduate category Krystyna Traverse, PhD’23, ChE:  3rd place in the graduate category Amanda Dee, E’22, BioE:  3rd place in the undergraduate category

Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering

Peter Furth rides his bike.

Nov 02, 2021

Biking to a Better Tomorrow

CEE Professor Peter Furth is encouraging communities to invest in biking infrastructure to lessen traffic congestion.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Yiannis Levendis

Nov 02, 2021

Levendis Receives 2021 Ralph Coats Roe Award

Yiannis Levendis, Distinguished Professor of mechanical and industrial engineering at Northeastern, received the American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) 2021 Ralph Coats Roe Award, which “recognizes an engineering educator who is an outstanding teacher and has made a notable contribution to the profession.”

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Nov 02, 2021

Northeastern University Team Places Second in International Wastewater Design Competition

A team of civil and environmental engineering seniors placed second in the Wastewater Category of the 2021 WEFTEC Connect Student Design Competition, which saw the participation of 23 schools and four countries.   

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Nov 02, 2021

Research from the Slavov Laboratory published in Nature Protocols

Research from the laboratory of BioE Associate Professor and Allen Distinguished Investigator Nikolai Slavov has been published as “Multiplexed single-cell proteomics using SCoPE2” in Nature Protocols.  
