4155 Items found
Ozlem Ergun

Oct 04, 2023

Ergun Elected INFORMS Fellow

Ozlem Ergun, COE distinguished professor, MIE, was elected a Fellow of the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) for her applications of O.R. methods to humanitarian and health systems, emergency response, and transportation and logistics problems; and establishing a community of O.R. professionals with interest in public programs.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Oct 03, 2023

There are Ghosts in your Machine. Cybersecurity Researcher can Make Self-driving Cars Hallucinate

ECE/Khoury Professor Kevin Fu is researching methods to prevent cyberattacks in self-driving cars caused by optical illusions.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Oct 02, 2023

From Classroom Project to Presented Paper

Electrical and computer engineering students Justin Kawakami, E’23, and Dominik Zajac, E’24, who both took the class EECE 4632 Hardware-Software Codesign for FPGA-Based Systems with Professor Miriam Leeser, turned one of their classroom projects into a paper on “Selective Encryption of Compressed Image Regions on the Edge with Reconfigurable Hardware” that was presented at the […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Sep 28, 2023

AI and Machine Learning Help Researchers Get Audio from Still Images and Silent Videos

ECE/Khoury Professor Kevin Fu has developed a machine learning tool called Side Eye that can extract audio from pictures and even muted videos.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Auroop Ganguly

Sep 28, 2023

Ganguly Leads New AI for Climate and Sustainability Focus Area

Auroop Ganguly, COE distinguished professor of CEE and director of the Sustainability and Data Sciences Laboratory (SDS Lab), is leading a new AI for Climate and Sustainability (AI4CaS) focus area to develop sophisticated new solutions around climate risk, resilience, and sustainability.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Sep 28, 2023

Spark Fund Award Research to Address Atherosclerosis

ChE/BioE Associate Professor Eno Ebong is using a Spark Fund award from the Center for Research Innovation at Northeastern to develop a novel therapeutic that targets the glycocalyx to prevent atherosclerosis, a cardiovascular disease that can lead to secondary cardiovascular events such as strokes or heart attacks.

Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering

Bradley Lehman

Sep 28, 2023

Detecting Arc Faults in Photovoltaic Systems

ECE Professor Bradley Lehman was awarded a patent for “Arc fault detection based on photovoltaic operating characteristics and extraction of pink noise behavior.”

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Sep 28, 2023

Developing a Robotic Aquaculture System

BioE/ECE Affiliated Faculty Joseph Ayers, MES/CEE Professor Mark Patterson, CEE Chair Jerome Hajjar, ECE Professor Milica Stojanovic, and CEE/MES Associate Professor Amy Mueller were awarded a patent for “Robotic aquaculture system and methods.”

Bioengineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering