4156 Items found

Apr 11, 2014

Outstanding Research Award

ECE PhD student Ceyhun Karbeyaz received a Graduate Computer and Information Sciences Research Award at this year's RISE Expo for a Web-based Laboratory for Computational Social Science. The online laboratory will allow researchers to conduct experiments in a much larger scale than they ever could.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Apr 11, 2014

Double Win at RISE 2014

PhD Bioengineering student David Walsh & Juliette Kassas (COS) were awarded the Excellence in Research award AND the Graduate Engineering and Technology Research award at this year's RISE 2014 Expo. The Research medal is one of the main awards given out at RISE; the other three are Innovation, Scholarship and Entrepreneurship. The Research award is […]


Apr 10, 2014

ECE Professor Ali Abur Named Winner of 2014 IEEE Power & Energy Society Outstanding Power Engineering Educator Award

ECE Prof. Ali Abur whose expertise includes fault identification in transmissions and distribution networks, power system state estimation, and visualization of power system operation—has been named the 2014 winner of the IEEE PES Outstanding Power Engineering Educator Award. He joins a distinguished cohort of PES scholars providing excellence in engineering education.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Apr 10, 2014

Three Northeastern students named Goldwater Scholars

Three North­eastern Uni­ver­sity students—Theo Bowe, S’16, Tushar Swamy, E/S’15, and Greg Allan, E/S’16—have been selected to receive the pres­ti­gious Barry M. Gold­water Scholarship. A total of 283 sopho­mores and juniors in the U.S. were named Gold­water Scholars for the 2014–15 aca­d­emic year. Scholars were selected from a field of 1,166 math, sci­ence, and engi­neering stu­dents […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Apr 10, 2014

Outstanding Honors

The Black Engineering Student Society won big at the NSBE Annual Convention: Outstanding Region 1 Chapter of the Year, Outstanding Regional Chapter in the Nation for the Year, Outstanding Chapter of the Month of November, Outstanding Region 1 Zone Chapter of the Year

Apr 10, 2014

Abur Receives PES Award

ECE professor Ali Abur is the recipient of the 2014 IEEE Power & Energy Society Outstanding Power Engineering Educator Award.  Dr. Abur has been a part of the Northeastern community since 2005 as a professor. Since then, his research in the area of power systems has been widely published. He is also a Fellow of […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Apr 10, 2014

Take 5: How to build a concrete canoe

Northeastern’s con­crete canoe team will par­tic­i­pate in the Amer­ican Society of Civil Engi­neers’ 2014 New Eng­land Regional Con­crete Canoe Com­pe­ti­tion at Bare Hill Pond in Har­vard, Mass. on April 26. More than a dozen teams, from Boston to Quebec, will be judged on canoe design, a written report, an oral pre­sen­ta­tion, and the craft’s per­for­mance in […]

Apr 09, 2014

1st Place at ASPB Meeting

Congratulations to Noreen Rizvi for receiving 1st place in her oral presentation & Sydney Shaw for receiving 1st place for her poster presentation on their research at the Northeast American Society of Plant Biology meeting at the U of Rhode Island (March 29 – 30, 2014)! Noreen Rizvi's talk is titled "An estrogen-inducible system and […]