4156 Items found

Aug 24, 2012

A small-​​scale solution with a large-​​scale impact

Microchips are per­va­sive in today’s high-​​tech society, playing inte­gral roles in the inner work­ings of your cell phone to your Keurig coffee machine. A pro­cessing tech­nology called CMOS, or com­ple­men­tary metal–oxide–semiconductor, made microchips eco­nom­i­cally fea­sible in the 1980s, said Siva­sub­ra­manian Somu, a research sci­en­tist in Northeastern’s Center for High-​​rate Nanoman­u­fac­turing. A crit­ical ele­ment in any microchip is some­thing […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Aug 23, 2012

Separating the Good & Bad

ECE & CCS Associate Professor Engin Kirda has developed a new software tool called PubCrawl to detect and contain malicious web crawlers without effecting normal browsing capacities. Source: News @ Northeastern

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Aug 23, 2012

A new kind of pub crawl

Web­sites like Face­book, LinkedIn and other social-​​media net­works con­tain mas­sive amounts of valu­able public infor­ma­tion. Auto­mated web tools called web crawlers sift through these sites, pulling out infor­ma­tion on mil­lions of people in order to tailor search results and create tar­geted ads or other mar­ketable content. But what hap­pens when “the bad guys” employ web crawlers? […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Aug 20, 2012

Alumni have their hands in space

As a kid, Liz Duffy E ’11 wanted to be an astro­naut. Megan Richardson E ’10, on the other hand, was more inter­ested in robots. Today they are both working at NASA’s Jet Propul­sion Lab­o­ra­tory helping the Curiosity rover scour Mars for signs of life. “I chose North­eastern for the co-​​op pro­gram,” recalls Duffy. “I saw it […]

Aug 20, 2012

Strumming on the nano-​​banjo

When you pluck a banjo string, you trigger a vibra­tion that res­onates at a fre­quency unique to the geom­etry and mate­rial of the string. We can dis­tin­guish that fre­quency as a par­tic­ular pitch, our ears acting like incred­ibly sen­si­tive detectors. Matteo Rinaldi, an assis­tant pro­fessor of elec­trical and com­puter engi­neering at North­eastern Uni­ver­sity, has recently received a […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Aug 13, 2012

Summer in the engineering lab

More than 20 under­grad­uate stu­dents from eight col­leges and uni­ver­si­ties throughout the country pre­sented a host of inno­v­a­tive research projects on Thursday after­noon at North­eastern University. The projects, ranging from improving breast cancer imaging to pre­venting the pro­gres­sive col­lapse of large con­crete build­ings, rep­re­sented the cul­mi­na­tion of Northeastern’s 10-​​week Research Expe­ri­ence for Under­grad­u­ates Pro­grams, which […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Aug 10, 2012

New Research Grant on Offshore Wind Farms

CEE Assistant Professor Andrew Myers,Professor & Chair Jerry Hajjar, and Sanjay Arwade, Associate Professor at UMass Amherst, have received a new $325K research grant from NSF on Reliability-based Hurricane Risk Assessment for Offshore Wind Farms.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Aug 08, 2012

Fat for better drug function

Sci­en­tists have long known that food diges­tion affects the way the body absorbs var­ious compounds—from nutri­ents to drugs and toxins. “You can get mul­tiple hun­dreds of per­cent improve­ment in bioavail­ability if you dose a com­pound in the pres­ence of a high fat mol­e­cule,” said Rebecca Car­rier, an asso­ciate pro­fessor of chem­ical engi­neering at North­eastern University. The problem with that […]

Chemical Engineering