4155 Items found

Oct 07, 2011

NUASCE Recognized as the 2011 Region 1 Distinguished Chapter

The ASCE student group was awarded the ASCE 2011 Region 1 Distinguished Chapter Award for their work in redesigning a garden in the Fenway for use by people with special needs.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Oct 07, 2011

NUASCE Rededicates Fenway Special Needs Garden

NUASCE was joined by over 30 people, including NU faculty, staff, family members, benefactors, and community members in their rededication of the Fenway Special Needs Garden (SNG) on October 5, 2011.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Oct 07, 2011

Busnaina, Adams & McGruer Receive Patent

MIE Professors Ahmed Busnaina & George Adams, and ECE Professor Nicol McGruer have been awarded a patent for their “Bistable nanoswitch”.

Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Sep 29, 2011

Correcting Healthcare

MIE Professor Vinod Sahney uses systems engineering principles to redesign the healthcare system to improve treatment, patient safety and quality of care.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Sep 28, 2011

Prof. Novotny Receives 2011 BSCES Technical Group Award

Professor Emeritus Vladimir Novotny was the recipient of the 2011 BSCES Technical Group Award.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Sep 28, 2011

Mavroidis Receives 2 Patents

MIE Professor Constantinos Mavroidis was awarded 2 patents this month for "Instrumented handle and pedal systems for use in rehabilitation, exercise and training equipment" AND "Gear Bearing Drive".

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Sep 28, 2011

Creative Engineering

Using engineering design principles while on coop in Paris, CIV senior Chris Nasif designed a steel reinforcement system that allow buildings to be more earthquake resistant.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Sep 26, 2011

Congratulations Emily Nelson!

Emily Nelson, BSChE 2012, has been selected as one of the recipient's of this year's AIChE Donald F. and Mildred Topp Othmer National Scholarship Award.

Chemical Engineering