4155 Items found

Jun 12, 2023

Why Comics and Graphic Novels Like ‘Maus’ are Effective Teaching Tools

ChE Teaching Professor Luke Landherr creates STEM comics that effectively engage students and improve their understanding of complex concepts. At the Boston Kids Comics Fest held at the Curry Student Center, he promoted his engineering education research group, Science The World, home to dozens of comics covering data analysis, gene therapy, refrigeration cycles, momentum transfer, and other complex topics.

Chemical Engineering

Shahin Shahrampour

Jun 12, 2023

Advancing Distributed Optimization for Non-Convex Problems

MIE Assistant Professor Shahin Shahrampour received a $500,000 NSF grant, in collaboration with Texas A&M University, to address “Consensus and Distributed Optimization in Non-Convex Environments with Applications to Networked Machine Learning.” The project will transform the understanding of consensus and coordination in non-convex environments, and will include educational components to introduce distributed optimization as a practical tool for the next generation of engineers.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Jun 05, 2023

Who Has the Best Self-driving Car? Northeastern Robotics Team Captures First Place in Premier Competition

A robotics team led by ECE Assistant Professor Milad Siami won the Self-Driving Car Competition at the American Control Conference (ACC) 2023.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Mahdi Imani and Mohammad Alali

Jun 02, 2023

Alali Receives Best Student Paper Award at ACC 2023

Electrical engineering graduate student Mohammad Alali, PhD’26, received the Best Student Paper Award Finalist from the 2023 American Control Conference (ACC 2023) for his paper “Reinforcement Learning Data-Acquiring for Causal Inference of Regulatory Networks,” which was one of the five papers selected for this award.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jun 01, 2023

How Nature-based Solutions are Being Used to Fight Rising Seas

CEE Assistant Professor Julia Hopkins has been working to improve her designs for the Emerald Tutu project, a floating marshland made of interconnected mats of marsh grasses, which could serve as a defense system to protect against future floods caused by rising seas, while also purifying the surrounding waters.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Kevin Fu

Jun 01, 2023

Fu Appointed to PCAST Working Group

ECE/Khoury Professor Kevin Fu was appointed to the White House President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) Working Group to identify research areas and possible solutions, as well as, advance current approaches to bolstering cyber-physical resilience.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Yiannis Levendis

Jun 01, 2023

Levendis Receives AIAA STEM Educator Award

MIE Professor Yiannis A. Levendis received the 2023 STEM Educator Award from the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) – New England “for tireless dedication and exceptional contributions to STEM education and training”. Levendis was nominated by FYE Teaching Professor and ASEE-Zone 1 Chair Bala Maheswaran.    

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Jun 01, 2023

Advancing Concentrated Solar Power Education

MIE Professors Hameed Metghalchi (PI), Yiannis Levendis, and Emeritus Associate Professor Gregory Kowalski were awarded a $265,000 grant to create “An Educational Program on Concentrated Solar Power and Heliostats for Power Generation and Industrial Processes” from the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE’s) National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL)’s Heliostat Consortium.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering