4155 Items found

Apr 19, 2023

Hoglund Receives 2023 Condit Award

Zachary Hoglund, E’24, bioengineering and biochemistry, won the Sears B. Condit Award which is awarded to top graduating seniors with the highest qpa and who have at least 60 SH at NU.


Apr 19, 2023

2023 Huntington 100 COE Recipients

The 2023 members of Northeastern University’s “Huntington 100,” a group of students selected for their outstanding achievements locally and globally, included eighteen students from the College of Engineering. The Huntington 100 are nominated by faculty, staff, advisors, coaches, employers, and fellow students. Ke Wen Chemical Engineering/Biochemistry, E’22 Gillian Audia Chemical Engineering/Biochemistry, E’23 Barkha Bhavsar Chemical […]

Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Apr 19, 2023

Mishac Yegian Retires After 47 Years of Meritorious Service and Leadership

After nearly five decades of service as a professor and researcher at Northeastern University, College of Engineering Distinguished Professor Mishac Yegian will be retiring in the summer of 2023. His tenure at Northeastern covered 47 years in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, which he also led as Department Chair for a seventeen-year period.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Apr 18, 2023

Goldwater Scholar Works at the Intersection of Computers, Data, and Medicine

Siddharth Simon, E’24, computer engineering and computer science, is a pre-med student driven to use computer software and data engineering to make an impact in medicine, improving access to care as well as patient outcomes. This, along with his near-constant involvement in research, helped earn him a 2023 Barry Goldwater Scholarship.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Apr 18, 2023

ECE PhD Student Awarded National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Research Fellowship

PhD student Jack Guida, electrical engineering, advised by Assistant Professor Siddharta Ghosh, was awarded a National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Research Fellowship. He is researching microscale acoustics and integrated photonics as part of the Northeastern SMART research center.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

surendra gupta

Apr 18, 2023

Professor Gupta Delivers Two Keynote Speeches in Japan

MIE Professor Surendra M. Gupta gave keynote speeches on environmentally conscious manufacturing methods including sustainability, carbon neutrality, and closed-loop supply chains along with future opportunities and trends at the International Workshop on Green Supply Chain and the International Workshop on Closed-Loop Supply Chain.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Apr 13, 2023

Northeastern University to have Strong Presence at ACM CHI 2023

The most prestigious human–computer interaction conference in the world is taking place in Hamburg, Germany this month, and researchers from Khoury College, the College of Engineering, and the College of Arts, Media and Design are ready. Their work, which touches on everything from parrot socialization to deceptive dark patterns to social media misinformation, has made […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Ambika Bajpayee

Apr 12, 2023

Cationic Contrast Agents for Cartilage Imaging for Early Diagnosis of Arthritis

Ambika Bajpayee, associate professor, bioengineering, published a paper, “Cationic Carrier Mediated Delivery of Anionic Contrast Agents in Low Doses Enable Enhanced Computed Tomography Imaging of Cartilage for Early Osteoarthritis Diagnosis,” in the journal ACS Nano. The research details the creation of positively charged contrast agents that can target cartilage tissue in joints affected by osteoarthritis, enabling CT imaging at very low doses. It demonstrates that CT scanning can be a viable imaging modality for early detection of osteoarthritis and staging of its severity.
