4156 Items found

Jul 13, 2022

Startup Developed From Cooling Paper Research

MIE Professor Yi Zheng and mechanical engineering student Andrew Caratenuto, PhD’24, created the startup company Planck Energies to develop a cooling paper they designed that could reduce cooling needs. Northeastern researchers design cooling paper that might lessen need for AC Main photo: Andrew Caratenuto, who studies mechanical engineering, tests cooling performance under solar simulator on […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Shahin Shahrampour

Jul 12, 2022

Best Paper Award at IEEE ICASSP 2022

MIE Assistant Professor Shahin Shahrampour and his collaborators from Vanderbilt, INRIA, and Telecom Paris received the best paper award at the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) for their work on “Generalized Sliced Probability Metrics“.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Josep Jornet

Jul 11, 2022

Jornet Receives Best Paper Award at IEEE WoWMOM Workshop on 6G-Non Terrestrial Networks

ECE Associate Professor Josep Jornet received the Best Paper Award at the Second IEEE WoWMoM Workshop on 6G Non-terrestrial Networks, for the work titled “Joint Terahertz Communication and Atmospheric Sensing in Low Earth Orbit Satellite Networks: Physical Layer Design”, with electrical engineering PhD students Sergi Aliaga and Ali Al Qaraghuli.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Allison Dennis

Jul 08, 2022

New Faculty Spotlight: Allison Dennis

Allison Dennis joins the Chemical Engineering department in July 2022 as an Associate Professor.

Chemical Engineering

Miten Jain

Jul 08, 2022

New Faculty Spotlight: Miten Jain

Miten Jain joins the Bioengineering department in July 2022 as an Assistant Professor with a joint appointment in Physics.


Tong Ma

Jul 08, 2022

New Faculty Spotlight: Tong Ma

Tong Ma joins the Mechanical & Industrial Engineering department in July 2022 as an Assistant Professor.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Mauricio Santillana

Jul 08, 2022

New Faculty Spotlight: Mauricio Santillana

Mauricio Santillana joins the Electrical & Computer Engineering department in April 2022 as a Professor with a joint appointment in Physics.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Esin Sözer

Jul 08, 2022

New Faculty Spotlight: Esin Sozer

Esin Sozer joins the Bioengineering department in July 2022 as an Assistant Teaching Professor.
