Spotlight Stories

150 Items found

Jul 31, 2014

Industrial Engineering Co-op Follows IBM to Philippines

Shuntaro Okuzawa, BS, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, 2013—“I was looking at every­thing from indi­vidual processes to entire depart­ments from a bird’s eye view,” said Okuzawa. “My work is all about looking at the bigger pic­ture, what indi­vidual tasks fit into a day-​​to-​​day oper­a­tion,” Okuzawa said. “You start with a lot of out­dated doc­u­ments and, through […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Jul 29, 2014

Humanitarian Projects in Civil Engineering

Ann Polaneczky, BS, Civil Engineering, 2011—“When you’re working in a devel­oping country, you have to approach things com­pletely dif­fer­ently,” said 2011 civil engi­neering grad­uate Ann Polaneczky, a project engi­neer for Part­ners in Health, a non profit inter na tional health and social jus tice orga­ni­za­tion. “Your approach has to address anthro­po­log­ical and cul­tural con­cerns because […]

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Jul 29, 2014

Co-op Leads to NASA Dream

Written by Liz Duffy, BS, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Class of 2011. “I chose North­eastern for the co-op pro­gram,” recalls Duffy. “I saw it as a way to get to NASA.” She was right. Duffy started out her career with the gov­ern­ment agency as a co-op stu­dent in the Plan­e­tary Sam­pling Acqui­si­tion and Han­dling group, which develops and […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Jul 25, 2014

Discovering the Creative Side of Engineering

Chris Nasif, BS, Civil Engineering, 2012—On co-​​op with an engi­neering firm in Paris, North­eastern Uni­ver­sity stu­dent Chris Nasif was asked by his man­ager to write a 10,000-word dis­ser­ta­tion on designing earthquake-​​resistant build­ings, a topic with which he was unfa­miliar. After shaking off the daunting scope of his assign­ment, the senior civil and envi­ron­mental engi­neering major got to work. […]

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Jul 24, 2014

Cutting Edge of Technology

Chemical Engineering students get hands on experience at Procter and Gamble.

Chemical Engineering

Jul 22, 2014

Using Coop to Combat Cancer

Sean Burns, BS, Chemical Engineering Class of 2013—“Cancer is some­thing that has inter­ested me throughout my life,” said Burns, a 2013 chem­ical engi­neering graduate who attended medical school following graduation. “Even though there are so many treat­ments, inci­dence and mor­tality are on the rise.” Burns — an Avon, Conn., native who enjoys cooking, snow­boarding and playing guitar […]

Chemical Engineering