Spotlight Stories

103 Items found
Samuel (Sam) Benford

Jan 29, 2021

Featured Galante Fellow: Samuel Benford

Samuel (Sam) Benford is a sixth-year Northeastern engineering student who has been a part of the Galante Engineering Business Program since Spring 2020. He is a part of the PlusOne Program and graduated with his BS in Industrial Engineering in May 2020. Benford will be graduating this upcoming May with his MS in Operations Research. […]

Jonathan (Jon) Harris

Dec 14, 2020

Featured Galante Fellow: Jonathan Harris

Jonathan (Jon) Harris is a fifth-year Northeastern student who has been part of the Galante Engineering Business Program since 2018. He is pursuing a Bachelor’s in Industrial Engineering and his Master’s in Operations Research. In deciding what to pursue at college, he was torn between business and engineering. Once at Northeastern, he was drawn to […]

alumna works in the lab at her job working on a mechanical hand

Dec 02, 2020

Finding Her Path

In sports, they say, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” Roshani A. Patil, ME’19, bioengineering, took that statement to heart when she decided to get a graduate degree.


student in lab coat while on co-op

Nov 24, 2020

Contributing to a Positive Vibe

“I don’t know why, but from a young age I’ve always loved chemistry,” says Lineyah Mitchell, E’21 and MS’21, chemical engineering. While she considered Ivy League universities, she wanted to go someplace where she could really focus on technical studies. Then she visited Northeastern. “I really liked the vibe when I visited,” Mitchell explains. “People […]

Chemical Engineering

student on hike with backpack on top of mountain

Nov 03, 2020

A Natural Problem Solver

Haley Weinstein, E and ME’21, electrical engineering, has always had an innate curiosity about topics outside her range of expertise ― along with the work ethic needed to figure them out.

Electrical & Computer Engineering


Oct 29, 2020

Securing a Successful Future

A computer engineering major, Rubens Lacouture, E’21, quickly identified software development as his passion and is focused on improving computational performance and algorithm efficiency, including software security.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

student posing with Boston skyline in background

Oct 28, 2020


As an undergraduate major in Industrial Engineering and a masters student in Engineering Management, Lianna Schuele is focused on studying business processes to make them as time- and cost-efficient as possible ― while still delivering high levels of customer service.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

student standing next to Oak Ridge National Lab sign while on co-op

Aug 26, 2020

Industrial Engineering Grad Set to Use Data Analysis on Real-World Issues

Varun Senthil, ME’20, industrial engineering, completed a co-op at Oak Ridge National Labs and co-wrote a soon-to-be-published paper.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering