ASEE-NE2022 Conference Awards

The ASEE-NE Chair and FYE/ECE Teaching Professor Bala Maheswaran led the ASEE Northeast 2022 Conference at Wentworth Institute of Technology from April 22 -23, 2022 which was resoundingly successful with extensive participation in the post-pandemic era.
The Northeastern University students and faculty contributed their work at the conference (, and won the following awards:
- Best Campus Rep Award
MIE Teaching Professor Beverly Kris Jaeger-Helton (Northeastern University)
- Best Professional Paper Award (co-authors)
Silent Waterfalls – A Review of Salinity Gradient Osmotic Energy Conversion Technologies, Mansour Zenouzi (Wentworth Institute of Technology), MIE Associate Professor Emeritus Gregory J Kowalski (Northeastern University), and Aliagha Rezvani (Northeastern University)
- Best Professional Paper Runner up Award
Use of Capstone Engineering Design Projects to Construct a Teaching Laboratory, MIE Professor Yiannis A. Levendis (Northeastern University)
- Best Student Poster Award
Development of a User-Friendly MatLab Toolkit for Thermodynamics, Bjorn Kierulf, MIE Associate Teaching Professor Ahmet Coskun, and MIE Professor Kai-Tak Wan (Northeastern University)
ASEE-NE2022 Chair’s Message:
We are honored to welcome you to the 2022 American Society for Engineering Education-Northeast Section (ASEE-NE) Conference at the Wentworth Institute of Technology (WIT). We are happy to have a large number of contributions from faculty and students from many institutions and several states to this conference. This is the second Northeast Section in-person conference in six months in the post-pandemic era. We are very thankful to our Northeast Section members for their continuous support and determination to elevate engineering education in the region.
Our mission is to showcase the latest developments in engineering education and strengthen partnerships among engineering educators in the region. We are committed to bringing together the best talents from our engineering community and fostering their growth. This is an ideal forum to interact with engineering educators, listen to the methods of educators in other institutions, and listen to undergraduate and graduate students’ research. We hope that this regional conference on engineering education will inspire and motivate our younger generation to pursue a career in engineering fields that uplift our world and allow them to play an essential role in the ever-evolving technology world.
Our past conferences were excellent, with outstanding presentations, and this year’s agenda is rich and diverse, with workshops, keynote talks, several sessions, and networking events. We hope that you will benefit from this year’s conference. We thank all the participants, committee members, and sponsors for their impressive support – a special thank you to the WIT faculty and staff who worked very hard to make ASEE-NE2022 a successful event.
ASEE-NE2022 chair
Bala Maheswaran, Ph.D.
Northeastern University