Kai-tak Wan

Professor,  Mechanical and Industrial Engineering


Social Media


  • 334K SN
  • 617.373.2248


  • 243A FR
  • 617.373.3858

Research Focus

Cellular biomechanics; water filtration; thin film adhesion and characterization; subsurface mechano-sensing; shell adhesion; fundamental intersurface forces


Some of the research interests Dr. Wan specializes in are:

  • Cellular biomechanics: Mechanical characterization and adhesion measurements of cancer cells, bacterial strains, drug delivery micro-capsules / liposomes, murine oocytes, biological tissues
  • Water filtration: Adhesion, physisorption-chemisorption of pathogens to collector (sand) in the presence of intersurface forces and liquid flow through a porous medium
  • Thin film adhesion and characterization: Mechanical reliability and lifespan of coated or encapsulated micro-/nano-devices, microelectronics parts, grapheme devices, photovoltaic panels, electrospun fiber meshes (armor protection fabrics), nano-structures
  • Subsurface mechano-sensing: Mechanics of palpation to detect solid inclusion in soft tissues (e.g. breast cancer) in association with X-ray mammography, mechanical instability of lesion due to large elastic deformation and visco-rubber-elasticity
  • Shell adhesion: Mechanical behavior and adhesion-detachment of natural (e.g. cornea) and artificial shells (e.g. contact lenses)
  • Fundamental intersurface forces: Contact mechanics, adhesion mechanics, and colloidal science, fracture and delamination in the presence of long range surface forces and water meniscus, application in electronics and biomedical sciences


  • Ph.D. (1993), Chemical Physics, University of Maryland at College Park
  • B.Sc. (1st Hon), Physics, University of New South Wales, Australia

Honors & Awards

  • 2014 COE Faculty Fellow
  • 2006 Faculty Excellence Award, Missouri University of Science and Technology MST
  • 2006 AMAE Faculty Excellence Award, Academy of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineers, MST
  • National Science Foundation CAREER Award

Teaching Interests

  • Mechanics of Cells and Tissues
  • Fluid Mechanics
  • Thermodynamics

Professional Affiliations

  • American Society of Mechanical Engineers International
  • American Society of Engineering Education
  • Adhesion Society

Research Overview

Cellular biomechanics; water filtration; thin film adhesion and characterization; subsurface mechano-sensing; shell adhesion; fundamental intersurface forces

Micro/Nano Bio-Mechanical Characterization Lab

The primary focus of our research is on contact mechanics and ahesion at the nano and micro scale, a large part of which focuses on bridging the gap between biological and mechanical sciences. Broadly, our lab is currently exploring the areas of biomechanics of cells and bacteria, modeling adhesion between cells, adhesion between thin graphene films, mechanically characterizing cancerous cells for efficient drug delivery, and characterizing hydrogels for biomedical applications.

Micro/Nano Bio-Mechanical Characterization Lab

Selected Research Projects

Selected Publications

  • Fang, Zilong, Huang, Xiao, Taslim, Mohammad E., Wan, Kai-tak (2021). Flexural bending resonance of acoustically levitated glycerol droplet. Physics of Fluids, 33(7). 10.1063/5.0055710
  • Lehotzky, Dávid, Sipahi, Rifat, Zupanc, Günther K.H. (2021). Cellular automata modeling suggests symmetric stem-cell division, cell death, and cell drift as key mechanisms driving adult spinal cord growth in teleost fish. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 509,110474. 10.1016/J.JTBI.2020.110474
  • Lii-Rosales, Ann, Han, Yong, Jing, Dapeng, Tringides, Michael C., Julien, Scott, Wan, Kai-Tak, Wang, Cai-Zhuang, Lai, King C., Evans, James W., Thiel, Patricia A. (2021). Encapsulation of metal nanoparticles at the surface of a prototypical layered material. Nanoscale, 13(3),1485-1506. 10.1039/D0NR07024F
  • Julien, Scott E., Kempe, Michael D., Eafanti, Joshua J., Morse, Joshua, Wang, Yu, Fairbrother, Andrew, Napoli, Sophie, Hauser, Adam W., Ji, Liang, O’Brien, Gregory S., Gu, Xiaohong, French, Roger H., Bruckman, Laura S., Wan, Kai-tak, Boyce, Kenneth P. (2020). Characterizing photovoltaic backsheet adhesion degradation using the wedge and single cantilever beam tests, Part I: Field Modules. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 215,110669. 10.1016/J.SOLMAT.2020.110669
  • Julien, Scott E., Kempe, Michael D., Eafanti, Joshua J., Morse, Joshua, Wang, Yu, Fairbrother, Andrew W., Napoli, Sophie, Hauser, Adam W., Ji, Liang, O’Brien, Gregory S., Gu, Xiaohong, French, Roger H., Bruckman, Laura S., Wan, Kai-tak, Boyce, Kenneth P. (2020). Characterizing photovoltaic backsheet adhesion degradation using the wedge and single cantilever beam tests, Part II: Accelerated tests. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 211,110524. 10.1016/J.SOLMAT.2020.110524
  • Lii-Rosales, Ann, Han, Yong, Julien, Scott E, Pierre-Louis, Olivier, Jing, Dapeng, Wan, Kai-Tak, Tringides, Michael C, Evans, James W, Thiel, Patricia A (2020). Shapes of Fe nanocrystals encapsulated at the graphite surface. New Journal of Physics, 22(2),023016. 10.1088/1367-2630/AB687A
  • Liu, Shengchen, Wan, Kai-tak (2020). Path of a solid inclusion embedded in a soft matrix subject to finger palpation. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 203,151-156. 10.1016/J.IJSOLSTR.2020.07.017
  • Lyu, Yadong, Fairbrother, Andrew, Gong, Mengyan, Kim, Jae Hyun, Gu, Xiaohong, Kempe, Michael, Julien, Scott, Wan, Kai-Tak, Napoli, Sophie, Hauser, Adam, O’Brien, Greg, Wang, Yu, French, Roger, Bruckman, Laura, Ji, Liang, Boyce, Kenneth (2020). Impact of environmental variables on the degradation of photovoltaic components and perspectives for the reliability assessment methodology. Solar Energy, 199,425-436. 10.1016/J.SOLENER.2020.02.020
  • Sun, Jianfeng, Ran, Ran, Muftu, Sinan, Gu, April Z., Wan, Kai-Tak (2020). The mechanistic aspects of microbial transport in porous media. Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 603,125169. 10.1016/J.COLSURFA.2020.125169
  • S. Liu, K.-T. Wan, Path of a Solid Inclusion Embedded in a Soft Matrix Subject to Finger Palpation, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2020
  • J.Sun, R. Ran, S. Muftu, A.Z. Gu, K.-T. Wan, The Mechanistic Aspects of Microbial Transport in Porous Media, Coloids and Surfaces A, 603, 2020, 125169
  • S. Liu, K.-T. Wan, A Preliminary Two-Dimensional Palpation Mechanics for Detecting a Hard Inclusion by Indentation of a Soft Matrix Under Large Strain, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 86, 2019, 051009
  • S.E. Julien, A. Lii-Rosales, K.-T. Wan, Y. Han, M.C. Tringides, J.W. Evans, P.A. Thiel, Squeezed Nanocrystals: Equilibrium Configuration of Metal Clusters Embedded Beneath the Surface of a Layered Material, Nanoscale, 11, 2019, 6445
  • J. Sun, S. Müftü, A.Z. Gu, K.-T. Wan, Intersurface Adhesion in the Presence of Capillary Condensation, Journal of Applied Mechanics, 85, 2018, 061009
  • W. Wang, J.V. Gray, S.E. Julien, K.-T. Wan, Mechanical Characterization of a Convex Shell (Contact Lens) with Meridional Thickness Variation, Experimental Mechanics, 58(6), 2018, 997–1002


Apr 22, 2024

Maheswaren and Wan Named to ASEE-NE Leadership

At the American Society for Engineering Education Northeast Section of Zone 1 Conference, Bala Maheswaran, COE Distinguished Teaching Professor, ECE and first-year engineering program, was named to the leadership of the ASEE board of directors, and Kai-tak Wan, MIE professor, was named ASEE-NE section chair for 2024-2026.

Bala Maheswaran Presenting at the ASEE conference.


Apr 27, 2022

ASEE-NE2022 Conference Awards

The ASEE-NE Chair and FYE/ECE Teaching Professor Bala Maheswaran led the ASEE Northeast 2022 Conference at Wentworth Institute of Technology from April 22 -23, 2022 which was resoundingly successful with […]

Anti-nodes of resonant waveform of typical glycerol droplets with arrows indicating the waveform amplitudes. In seesaw mode (m = 1), h = 0.923 mm, dp = 3.71 mm, and f * = 63 Hz. Pictures show t = 0, ¼ and ½ of the oscillating period. In saddleback mode (m = 2), h = 0.91 mm, dp = 3.48 mm, f * = 78 Hz, and D ≈ 1.17 × 10−7 N·m. Views from the side and an oblique meridional angle are shown. The dashed lines show the two orthogonal axes of C4 symmetry. In monkey saddle mode (m = 3), h = 0.63 mm, dp = 4.36 mm, f * = 105 Hz, and D ≈ 6.46 × 10−8 N·m with a C6 symmetry. Arrows show the alternating crests and valleys. The finite element simulation using ABAQUS is shown on the right, by which flexural rigidity is deduced. The color code shows out-of-plane displacement from the equatorial neutral plane.


Jul 12, 2021

MIE Research Selected as Editor’s Choice of Physics of Fluids

A research paper, titled “Flexural Bending Resonance of Acoustically Levitated Glycerol Droplet” by Zilong Fang, PhD’22, mechanical engineering, and MIE Professors Kai-Tak Wan and Mohammad Taslim was selected as the Editor’s Choice and published in the journal of Physics of Fluids.


Apr 08, 2019

A New Model Can Predict the Shape of a Squeezed Nanocrystal When Blanketed Under Graphene

MIE PhD student Scott Julien, who works in Professor Kai-Tak Wan’s Micro/Nano Bio-Mechanical Characterization Lab, was featured in the Science Times article “A New Model Can Predict the Shape of a Squeezed Nanocrystal When Blanketed Under Graphene”.


Jul 27, 2017

MIE PhD Students Invent New System to Analyze Water

MIE PhD students Jianfeng Sun, Ran Ran, and undergraduate student Derek Tran have created a new microscope analyzer to test water for contaminants quicker than conventional methods. More than 844 […]


Jul 19, 2017

$350K NSF Grant to Explore Mechanics of Fusion

MIE Professors Kai-Tak Wan and Sinan Muftu were awarded a $350K NSF grant to explore the "Mechanics of fusion of dissimilar lipid bilayers and multi-lamellar vesicles". This is part of […]

Nov 01, 2016

Wan Awarded Patent for Equi-biaxial Membrane Stretcher

MIE Professor Kai-tak Wan was awarded a patent for his "Equi-biaxial membrane stretcher".

Nov 10, 2015

Printing SWCNT on 3D Patterned Surface

MIE Professor Kai-Tak Wan and Associate Professor Yung Joon Jung's research on "Printing Highly Controlled Suspended Carbon Nanotube Network on Micro-patterned Superhydrophobic Flexible Surface" was published in Scientific Reports.

Aug 20, 2013

21st Century Drinking Water

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering associate professor Kai-tak Wan, professor Sinan Muftu, & Civil and Environmental Engineering assistant professor April Gu were awarded a $400K National Science Foundation (NSF) grant to find […]

Sep 26, 2012

Wan & Muftu Receive $185K Grant

MIE associate professor Kai-tak Wan and professor Sinan Muftu have been awarded an $185K NSF grant to study Mechano-Lipidomics and Mechano-Cytosis of Drug Delivery Liposomes. The research goal of this […]

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