DiMarzio Awarded $300K NSF Grant
ECE Associate Professor Charles DiMarzio was awarded a $300K NSF grant for "Coded-illumination Fourier Ptychography for High-content Multimodal Imaging".
Abstract Source: NSF
This project will develop a new prototype microscope of ultra-high sensitivity with super-high resolution, yet with the ability to provide 3D imaging at a large field-of-view and rapid imaging.
The proposal aims to develop a new type of microscopy technique, (coded-illumination Fourier ptychography), that incorporates the innovations of novel Fourier data recovery, structured illumination for tissue sectioning, multi-layer modeling, and spectrum multiplexing. Iteration across data acquisitions is used to optimize to a final image solution. Increased image dimensionality, either spectral or spatial, is a highly desired commodity. If these techniques can be made routine, then many areas of microscopy could benefit. The proposal reflects substantial outreach to women and significant educational efforts towards graduates and undergraduates.