Global Warming: Act To Stop World Becoming Uninhabitable – Okyenhene Entreats World Leaders

Bioengineering Professor and Chair Lee Makowski was recently featured in the Ghanaian magazine Graphic Online, in an article titled “Global warming: Act to stop world becoming uninhabitable – Okyenhene entreats world leaders.” The article discusses the Okyanhene (the King of Akyem Abuakwa, from the Eastern Region of Ghana), Osaguefuo Amoatia Ofori Panin’s visit to Northeastern University to discuss climate-driven global changes.

The Okyenhene, Osagyefuo Amoatia Ofori Panin, has told world leaders that the lack of commitment on their part to increase measures to tackle climate change will cause the world to become uninhabitable.

Such an imminent crisis, he said, would push the survival of humanity and other living species to the brink of destruction and eventual extinction.

To avert such a catastrophe, Osagyefuo Ofori Panin said leaders of great nations that contributed volumes of carbon to damage the atmosphere must initiate the right policies and investments to curb greenhouse gas emissions.

“To think that the world will soon become uninhabitable is scary. It will have an incredible impact on our children, leaving them with far shorter lives than today, and it cannot be business as usual,” he said.

Read more.

Related Faculty: Lee Makowski

Related Departments:Bioengineering