Yun Raymond Fu Wins Multiple Funding Awards
ECE/CCIS Associate Professor Yun Raymond Fu will receive funding from National Institute of Justice (NIJ) of U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) for criminal justice research on forensic face recognition. This $150,000 three-year research fellowship will be used to support a Graduate Fellow in Dr. Fu’s SMILE lab.
Dr. Fu also won the Samsung 2016 GRO award from the SAMSUNG Global Research Outreach (GRO) Program. He will receive $100,000 to support his proposal “Deeply Learned Visual Commonsense and Its Applications.”
Lastly, Professor Fu also won an NSF Award of $180,000 from NSF Program-ROBUST INTELLIGENCE for two year research on “EAGER: Vision-Based Activity Forecasting by Mining Temporal Causalities.”
Please join the ECE Department in congratulating Associate Professor Fu.