Josep Miquel Jornet
Professor and Interim Department Chair, Electrical and Computer Engineering
Associate Director, Institute for the Wireless Internet of Things
- 412 ISEC
- (617) 373-5719
- 572C ISEC
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Research Focus
Terahertz communications for 6G systems, wireless nano-bio-communication networks, Internet of Nano-Things
Josep Miquel Jornet is a Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), the director of the Ultrabroadband Nanonetworking (UN) Laboratory, an Associate Director of the Institute for the Wireless Internet of Things (WIoT), and a faculty member of the Institute for NanoSystems Innovation (nanoSI) at Northeastern University (NU). Since July 2024, he is also serving as the interim chair of ECE.
He was born in Tarragona, Spain, in 1984 and grew up between the city and the village of Ascó. He received an Engineering Degree in Telecommunication Engineering and a Master of Science in Information and Communication Technologies from the Barcelona School of Telecommunications Engineering (ETSETB), Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Spain, in 2008. From September 2007 to December 2008, he was a visiting researcher at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, under the MIT Sea Grant program. He received his Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, in August 2013, under the guidance of Professor Ian F. Akyildiz. Between August 2013 and August 2019, he was a faculty in the Department of Electrical Engineering at the University at Buffalo (UB), The State University of New York. He joined NU in 2019 as an Associate Professor and was promoted to Full Professor in 2023.
His research interests are in terahertz communication networks, wireless nano-bio-communication networks, and the Internet of Nano-Things. In these areas, he has co-authored more than 250 peer-reviewed scientific publications, including one book, and has been granted five US patents. His work has received over 18,000 citations (h-index of 62 as of July 2024). His work has been funded by multiple grants from different U.S. federal agencies, including the National Science Foundation, the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), and the Office of Naval Research (ONR) as well as industry, totaling over $15M in less than ten years. He received the National Science Foundation CAREER Award in 2019, several other awards from IEEE, ACM, UB, and NU, and several best-paper awards. He is a Fellow of the IEEE, Class of 2024.
Since July 2016, he has been the Editor-in-Chief of Elsevier’s Nano Communication Networks Journal. He has been an Associate Editor in IEEE Transactions on Communications since 2022 and for Scientific Reports since 2023. He also serves on the Steering Committee of the ACM Conference Series on Nano Computing and Communication since 2016, as well as the IEEE International Workshop Series on Terahertz Communications (TeraCom) and the ACM Workshop Series on Millimeter-Wave and Terahertz Networks and Sensing Systems (mmNets), both since 2022.
Besides research and service, he is committed to education and workforce development. Since 2022, he has been the co-director of the two new Master of Science (MS) degrees in the Internet of Things and Wireless and Network Engineering by the WIoT and ECE at Northeastern University. He has introduced multiple pioneering and innovative courses, including the first course on Nanonetworking (2014-2019), Terahertz Communications for 6G (since 2020), and an Experimental Approach to Wireless Communications (since 2021). Outside Northeastern University, he has participated in many panels, delivered multiple short courses and tutorials, served as a keynote speaker in multiple venues, and is currently an IEEE Communications Society Distinguished Lecturer.
- Ph.D., Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA 2013
- M.S., Information & Communication Technologies, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain, 2008
- B.S., Telecommunications Engineering, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain, 2008
Honors & Awards
- Research and Teaching Awards
- IEEE Fellow, for contributions in terahertz communication and nanonetworking, Class of 2024.
- Søren Buus Outstanding Research Award, Northeastern University, February 2023.
- IEEE Wireless Communications Technical Committee Outstanding Young Researcher Award for his pioneering contributions to the field of terahertz communications, November 2022.
- IEEE Radio Communications Committee Early Achievement Award for his contribution to terahertz communications, May 2022.
- Martin W. Essigmann Excellence in Teaching Award, Northeastern University, April 2022.
- IEEE Communications Society Distinguished Lecturer, Class of 2022-2023.
- Distinguished TPC Member Award, IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM) in 2021, 2018, 2017 and 2016.
- IEEE Senior Member Elevation, November 2020.
- Faculty Fellow, College of Engineering, Northeastern University, since Fall 2019.
- UB Exceptional Scholar – Sustained Achievement Award for his contributions to terahertz communications and wireless nano-bio-communication networks, 2019.
- NSF CAREER Award, March 2019.
- SEAS Early Career Teacher of the Year Award, December 2018.
- UB Exceptional Scholar – Young Investigator Award for his contributions to terahertz communications, 2018.
- SEAS Early Career Researcher of the Year Award for seminal and high-impact contributions to developing novel communication networks, including terahertz-band communication systems, implantable and wearable medical device technology, and the Internet of Things, December 2017.
- ACM NanoCom Outstanding Milestone Award for his pioneering contributions to the field of nano-device technology and communication techniques for nanonetworks in the terahertz spectrum, received at the 4th ACM International Conference on Nanoscale Computing and Communication (NanoCom) 2017, Washington, DC, September 2017.
- IEEE ComSoc Young Professional Best Innovation Award for his innovative application of nano-biosensor networks to smart health monitoring and diagnosis systems received at IEEE ICC 2017, Paris, May 2017.
- BWN Lab 2010 Researcher of the Year Award, for his outstanding research achievements throughout the year.
- Fundación Caja Madrid Fellowship, awarded to outstanding graduate students from Spain to pursue graduate studies abroad, with total funding support for the 2011 and 2012 academic years. This fellowship is given personally by the Prince and the Princess of Spain.
- Excellent Reviewer of 2009 of the IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering. [PDF]
- Colonel Oscar P. Cleaver Award, outstanding graduate student in the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Spring 2009.
- “la Caixa” Fellowship, awarded to outstanding graduate students in Spain to pursue graduate studies abroad, with full funding support for the 2009 and 2010 academic years. This fellowship is given personally by the King and the Queen of Spain.
Best Paper and Demo Award
- Best Paper Award – Runner Up for “An Open, Programmable, Multi-vendor 5G O-RAN Testbed with NVIDIA ARC and OpenAirInterface,” presented at the 2nd IEEE Workshop on Next-generation Open and Programmable Radio Access Networks (NG-OPERA), May 2024.
- Best Paper Award for “Characterizing Sub-THz MIMO Channels in Practice: A Novel Channel Sounder with Absolute Time Reference,” presented at the IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) 2023, December 2023.
- Best Demo Award for “Adversarial Aerial Metasurfaces,” presented at the 24th International Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications (HotMobile), February 2023.
- Best Paper Award for “Joint Terahertz Communication and Atmospheric Sensing in Low Earth Orbit Satellite Networks: Physical Layer Design,” Second IEEE Workshop on Non-Terrestrial-Networks in 6G Wireless, in conjunction with the 23rd IEEE International Conference on the World of Wireless, Mobile, and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM), June 2022.
- Best Paper Award for “Performance Analysis of a Dual Terahertz/Ka-Band Communication System for Satellite Mega-Constellations,” in the First IEEE Workshop on Non-Terrestrial-Networks in 6G Wireless, in conjunction with the 22nd IEEE International Conference on the World of Wireless, Mobile, and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM), June 2021.
- Best Paper Award for “Uplink Multi-User Beamforming on Single RF Chain mmWave WLANs,” in the 2021 IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2021), May 2021.
- Best Paper Award, Runner Up, for “X60: A Programmable Testbed for Wideband 60 GHz WLANs with Phased Arrays,” in the 11th ACM International Workshop on Wireless Network Testbeds, Experimental evaluation & Characterization (WiNTECH) 2017, Snowbird, Utah, October 2017.
- Best Paper Award, for “Stochastic Multipath Channel Modeling and Power Delay Profile Analysis for Terahertz-band Communication,” in the 4th ACM International Conference on Nanoscale Computing and Communication (NanoCom) 2017, Washington, DC, September 2017.
Teaching Interests
Both fundamental and advanced concepts in communications and networking, including terahertz communications, nanonetworks, and the Internet of Things.
Leadership Positions
(Active at least in the last two years)
Spectrum Leadership
- Chair, IEEE Radio Communications Committee (RCC) Special Interest Group (SIG) on Terahertz Communications, since 2023 (vice-chair between 2021 and 2023).
- Member, IEEE Communications Society Radio Communications Committee (RCC)
- Member, IEEE Communications Society Wireless Communications Technical Committee (WTC)
- Member, IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques (MTT)-21 Terahertz Technology and Applications Committee
- Member, Spectrum, Technology, and National Roadmap Working Groups in the NextG Alliance
- Member, Northeastern University liaison, at the mmWave Coalition
- Member, NU liaison, at the International Telecommunications Union
- Member, IEEE 802.15 Standing Committee on Terahertz Communications
Editorial Work
- Editor-in-Chief, Nano Communication Networks (Elsevier) Journal, since 2016.
- Associate Editor,
- Scientific Reports, since 2023
- IEEE Transactions on Communications, since 2022
- Frontiers in Communications and Networks, Non-Conventional Communications and Networks, since 2020
- Contributor, IEEE ComSoc Best Readings in Terahertz Communications, April 2022
- Guest Editor,
- Special Issue on “Electromagnetic Nanonetworks: From On-chip Communication to Wearable and Implantable Networks,” IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications, 2023-2024.
- Special Issue on “Terahertz Communications and Sensing for 6G and Beyond: How Far Are We?,” IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine, 2023-2024.
- Special Issue on “Advanced Signal Processing for Terahertz Communications in 6G and Beyond Networks,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing (J-STSP), 2022-2023.
- Special Issue on “Rising Stars in Non-Conventional Communications and Networks,” Frontiers in Communications and Networks, 2022-2023.
- Special Issue on “Terahertz Communications,” ITU Journal on Future and Evolving Technologies (ITU J-FET), 2021.
Conference Organization
- Steering Committee Member,
- General Chair,
- 2023 IEEE ComSoc School Series on 6G Communication and Wireless Technologies, June 2023.
- 9th ACM NanoCom, October 2022
- 5th IEEE TeraCom, May 2022
- 5th ACM mmNets 2021, October 2021
- Track, Symposium, or Session Organizer and Chair
- Track Chair, Emerging Topics in Networking, IEEE 32nd International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN) 2023
- Symposium Chair, Wireless Communications Symposium, IEEE International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communication (ICNC) 2023
- Track Chair, 5G and Towards 6G, IEEE Consumer Communications & Networking Conference (CCNC) 2023, 2022, 2021
- Panel Organizer and Moderator
- “Nurturing Younger-generation Electrical and Computer Engineers,” 4th Buffalo Wireless Day for 5G and Wireless Internet of Things, November 18, 2022
- “Electromagnetics and Communications: Can we Close the Gap?,” NYU WIRELESS Workshop, October 27, 2022
- “New Spectrum and Sensing Technologies,” Brooklyn 6G Summit, NYC, NY, USA, October 26, 2022
- “Terahertz Communications: What Are We Really Going to See in 6G?,” 9th IEEE TeraCom, in conjunction with IEEE ICC, June 2022
- Local Arrangements Chair, 24th IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (WoWMoM), June 2023.
- Program Co-Director,
- Master of Science in Internet of Things, since 2022
- Master of Science in Wireless and Network Engineering, since 2022
Professional Affiliations
- Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
- IEEE Communications Society
- Association for Computing Machinery
Research Overview
Terahertz communications for 6G systems, wireless nano-bio-communication networks, Internet of Nano-Things
Dr. Jornet directs a vibrant, diverse, and interdisciplinary laboratory with multiple Ph.D., M.Sc., and B.S. students, a third of which is composed of students from underrepresented groups in STEM. The UN Lab addresses wireless communication challenges that are of national and societal relevance, such as solving the spectrum scarcity problem by developing new wireless technologies for terahertz communications (from graphene-based nano-transceivers and nano-antennas to ultra-broadband signal processing and communication algorithms); or facilitating transformative healthcare systems (from cancer monitoring plasmonic implants to brain-machine interfaces for neural function restoration) by laying the foundations of wearable and intra-body nano-bio communication networks at optical frequencies. The UN Lab has expertise in nano-device design, modeling and analysis; signal propagation modeling and experimental characterization; and communication and networking protocol design, performance analysis, implementation, and experimental testing. For a list and more details of the current active projects in the lab, please check here.
Broader Impacts
Under the premise that anything is possible as long as it does not break the laws of physics, the UN Lab works hard towards bridging the gap between science, engineering, and society. In this direction, Dr. Jornet is at the forefront and actively involved in many activities aimed at both policy and regulation of the spectrum above 100 GHz as well as the standardization of solutions that can ensure equitable access to such resources.
In particular, aimed at transitioning terahertz communications research from theory to practice, with the support of the US National Science Foundation and the US Air Force Research Laboratory, Dr. Jornet was able to obtain first-of-a-kind US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) licenses, including the first license to operate a wireless communication system above 1 THz (File numbers 0143-EX-ST-2018 and 0516-EX-CN-2018) and, more importantly, the first license ever to allow a long-range wireless communication system (multiple kilometers) to operate over the 220-260 GHz, a frequency range which includes to protected frequency bands reserved to satellite-based passive scientific users of the spectrum (File number 0753-EX-ST-2018). This required the dynamic operation of the link according to the presence of the satellite of interest in the area of influence. Effectively, this demonstrated that different ways of sharing the spectrum beyond exclusive access are possible, which can, in fact, benefit all the users of the spectrum. For example, larger contiguous bandwidths, uninterrupted by the presence of forbidden bands, can enable ultra-high capacity wireless backhauls to provide ultra-broadband Internet access to rural areas and bridge the digital divide in the nation. At the same time, having more resources for atmospheric sensing (including radar and spectroscopy) applications, can facilitate the data collection and expedite the studies and solutions to climate change. The experiences and lessons learned from the studies conducted by Dr. Jornet were contributed as inputs and captured in the final version of the US FCC Docket 19-19 Spectrum Horizons, which introduces new mechanisms to obtain FCC licenses for experimental THz systems above 100 GHz, allocates more than 20 GHz of unlicensed spectrum for the same and, ultimately, positions the US at the forefront of spectrum policy. Other more recent contributions to the FCC include new recommended practices to ensure the protection of the scientific users of the spectrum while achieving a more cost-effective use of the 24 GHz 5G band. This has resonated very well with key spectrum players, such as AT&T.
The FCC is, however, only the first stop because to have a worldwide impact, such spectrum recommendations must be captured by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU). In 2020, led by Dr. Jornet, Northeastern University joined and became one of the only ten US-based academic members of the ITU. As a full member of the ITU, NU can submit contributions not only through specific working groups but also directly to the US Department of State. For example, in the last two years, Dr. Jornet has led contributions to US Working Party (WP) 1A – Spectrum Engineering – and US WP 7C – Remote Sensing Systems on the timely topic of spectrum coexistence above 100 GHz, which were approved by the US Department of State and discussed at the global ITU meeting in Geneva in Fall 2020. As an ITU Member, the group can influence the direction of ITU’s work, which eventually can translate into related work within the United Nations system and, thus, worldwide outreach across the 193 ITU Member States.
More recently, Dr. Jornet has also been contributing to the vision of the creation of a National Radio Dynamic Zone (NRDZ), or the playground where the future of spectrum usage can be experimentally tested while minimizing interference to existing systems. The focus of Dr. Jornet’s supplement is to specifically focus on the techniques needed to ensure coexistence and protection of the spectrum users above 100 GHz. Closely related to this, Dr. Jornet led the high-frequency aspects of Northeastern’s university application and recent approval to become an FCC Spectrum Innovation Zone. He is also the university liaison and contributor for the mmWave Coalition, an industry group aimed at removing the regulatory barriers to technologies and using frequencies between 95 GHz and 450 GHz, and a member of the Working Groups on Spectrum, Technology, and National Roadmap for 6G in the NextG Alliance, a coalition aimed at building the foundation for North American leadership in the 6G and beyond.
Besides policy, Dr. Jornet has consistently contributed to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 802.15 Terahertz Interest Group. Dr. Jornet’s first contribution to the group was in 2010 when he was a junior Ph.D. student. Since that day, he has been regularly participating in the meetings and presenting the outcomes of the group (including the first standard for THz communications approved in 2017) to a larger audience, who are often not familiar with either the existence or the impact of such activities.
It is also the goal of Dr. Jornet to ensure that more people are exposed to all these organizations, procedures, and facts, starting with students. To achieve this, Dr. Jornet promotes Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) by leveraging multiple vehicles developed at Northeastern. The UN Lab contributes to the university’s Young Scholar’s Program by hosting two high-school students in the lab over the summer every year, offering them a unique opportunity for a hands-on research experience. In addition, Dr. Jornet is a regular speaker in the Pathways to STEMprogram, an after-school program geared towards high school students interested in STEM. In both cases, the goal is to show the excitement, diversity, and opportunities for real impact in the broad field of STEM. Once on campus, the UN Lab is also the mentor and research advisor for the Undergraduate Program for Leaders in Future Transformation (UPLIFT), as part of which promising first-year undergraduate students are given the opportunity to work in a research laboratory and be exposed to state of the art research. All these add to a very diverse group of master’s and Ph.D. students working on diverse aspects ranging from nanomaterials to spectrum policy, regulation, and standardization.
Last but not least, all the lessons learned through the years are now part of a semester-long graduate inter-disciplinary course on terahertz communications for 6G networks offered every year at Northeastern. In addition, aimed at disseminating this knowledge and promoting workforce development in areas that are of critical national interest, Dr. Jornet has given this course in different forms to other institutions (not only academic but also companies and national research labs) and in conferences, through keynote speeches, tutorials and short courses, panel discussions, and seminars and webinars.
Ultra-broadband Nanonetworking (UN) Laboratory
The UN Laboratory is a vibrant research team aimed at addressing wireless communication and networking challenges that are of national and societal relevance by leveraging the state of the art in nanotechnologies. Examples include solving the problem of spectrum scarcity by developing new wireless technologies for Terahertz (THz) band (0.1-10 THz) communication; facilitating transformative health monitoring and drug-delivery systems by laying the foundations of wearable and intra-body nano-biosensing networks at infrared and visible optical frequencies; and developing non-invasive low-cost communication technologies for the Internet of Things and Nano-Things (IoNT).
Selected Research Projects
- Development towards a Community Research Platform for sub-THz Satellite Communication Networks
- – Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation
- Dynamically Adjustable Spectrum Sharing between Ground Communication Networks and Earth Exploration Satellite Systems Above 100 GHz
- – co-Principal Investigator, National Science Foundation
Research Centers and Institutes
- Institute for the Wireless Internet of Things at Northeastern University
- SMART Center, Northeastern University
Department Research Areas
Selected Publications
Jul 22, 2024
Major Consequences of IT Outage
ECE/Khoury Professor Kevin Fu and ECE Professor and Interim Chair Josep Jornet explain the causes and implications of the Microsoft tech outage that grounded flights from major airlines and limited healthcare and financial services worldwide.
Jul 08, 2024
Developing the World’s First Sub-THz Satellite Network Platform
ECE Professor and Interim Chair Josep Jornet, MIE Professor Andrew Gouldstone, ECE Professor Kaushik Chowdhury, ECE William Lincoln Smith Professor Tommaso Melodia, and ECE/COS Professor Ken Duffy, in collaboration with the Morehead State University Space Science Center, were awarded a $750,000 NSF grant for the “Development Towards a Community Research Platform for Sub-THz Satellite Communication Networks.”
Jun 10, 2024
Discovery Highlights ‘Critical Oversight’ in Perceived Security of Wireless Networks
Sherif Badran, PhD’26, electrical engineering, and ECE Professor Josep Jornet were featured in the Rice University article “Discovery Highlights ‘Critical Oversight’ in Perceived Security of Wireless Networks.”
Jun 05, 2024
Best Paper Runner-Up for X5G Open Testbed
ECE PhD students, and ECE and WIOT faculty and research staff received the Best Paper Runner-Up for their paper, “An Open, Programmable, Multi-Vendor 5G O-RAN Testbed With NVIDIA ARC and OpenAir Interface,” at the 2nd Workshop on Next-Generation Open and Programmable Radio Access Networks (NG-OPERA).
Feb 23, 2024
Widespread AT&T Outages May Have Had Mutiple Possible Causes
ECE Assistant Research Professor Michele Polese and ECE Professor Josep Jornet suggest many possible causes of the widespread AT&T cellphone outages Thursday morning.
Dec 07, 2023
2023 Stanford University Annual Assessment of Author Citations
The following COE professors are among the top scientists worldwide selected by Stanford University representing the top 2% of the most-cited scientists with single-year impact in various disciplines. The selection is based on the top 100,000 by c-score (with and without self-citations) or a percentile rank of 2% or above. The list below includes those […]
Nov 27, 2023
Chowdhury and Jornet Elevated to IEEE Fellows
ECE Professors Kaushik Chowdhury and Josep Jornet were elevated to IEEE Fellows. Chowdhury was elevated for contributions to the development of cognitive radio networks and applied machine learning for wireless systems, and Jornet for contributions in terahertz communication and nanonetworking.
Nov 21, 2023
6G Could Pull Double Duty To Monitor Climate Change
The collaborative research between Northeastern University and the University of Nebraska-Lincoln on “Climate Change Sensing Through Terahertz Communication Infrastructure: A Disruptive Application of 6G Networks” was published in IEEE Network.
Nov 13, 2023
WIoT Team Wins Best Paper Award at IEEE Globecom 2023
Several College of Engineering faculty and students affiliated with the Institute for Wireless Internet of Things, together with the IMDEA Networks Institute of Madrid, received the Best Paper Award at the IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM) 2023.
Sep 20, 2023
Reshaping Spectrum Sharing Above 100 GHz
ECE Professors Josep Jornet (PI) and Tommaso Melodia, and Principal Research Scientists Michele Polese, Michael Marcus, and Associate Research Scientist Vitaly Petrov, in collaboration with Steven Reising from Colorado State University, were awarded a $750,000 NSF grant for “DASS: Dynamically Adjustable Spectrum Sharing Between Ground Communication Networks and Earth Exploration Satellite Systems Above 100 GHz.”