Dmitri Krioukov

Affiliated Faculty,  Electrical and Computer Engineering
Associate Professor,  Physics



  • 124 Dana Research Center
  • 617.373.2934

Research Focus

Big data analytics and practical applications, mathematical physics of networks.


Prof. Krioukov is the Director of the DK-Lab at the Network Science Institute at Northeastern University. DK-Lab research deals mostly with theory and fundamentals of complex networks. Research topics of particular interest to the lab are latent network geometry, maximum-entropy random graph ensembles and random geometric graphs, causal sets, navigation in networks, and fundamentals of network dynamics. While research in the lab mainly focuses on theoretical aspects of network science, these theoretical results are often applied to real-world network data to gain new knowledge and insights about the data.

Research Overview

Big data analytics and practical applications, mathematical physics of networks.


The main focus of research at the DK-Lab is network theory. Research topics of particular interest to the lab are latent network geometry, maximum-entropy random graph ensembles, random geometric graphs, graph curvature, causal sets, navigation in networks, and fundamentals of network dynamics. While research in the lab deals mainly with theoretical aspects of network science, the obtained theoretical results are often applied to real-world network data in a variety of applications.


Selected Publications


Dec 07, 2023

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The following COE professors are among the top scientists worldwide selected by Stanford University representing the top 2% of the most-cited scientists with single-year impact in various disciplines. The selection is based on the top 100,000 by c-score (with and without self-citations) or a percentile rank of 2% or above.


Nov 02, 2022

2022 Stanford University Annual Assessment of Author Citations

A group of COE professors are among the top scientists worldwide selected by Stanford University representing the top 2% of the most-cited scientists with single-year impact in various disciplines. The selection is based on the top 100,000 by c-score (with and without self-citations) or a percentile rank of 2% or above.

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