code on computer screens for information systems

Master of Science in Information Systems – Bridge

Master of Science in Information Systems – Bridge

Pivot Your Career, Transform Your Future

The Master of Science in Information Systems-Bridge program is designed to equip students who hold non-STEM, non-technical bachelor’s degrees, or those who would like to strengthen their technical background, with the necessary skills and knowledge to enter the field of information systems and contribute to the ongoing digital revolution. The comprehensive curriculum emphasizes hands-on learning and provides a personalized learning experience tailored to individual needs. Upon completion of the program, students earn an MS in Information Systems and are prepared to pursue careers as information systems professionals.

The MSIS-Bridge program aims to bridge the gap between business users and technologists as industries increasingly digitize their operations. The program responds to the growing demand for professionals who possess a deep understanding of how technology can be harnessed to address significant societal challenges. Through a multidisciplinary approach that integrates business management, software engineering, and information technology, MSIS-Bridge students are empowered to tackle complex real-world issues in the realms of business and society.

The program also seeks to upskill and reskill individuals or businesses by identifying needs in their organizational skills and providing a tailored training plan to address them with new skills and knowledge. Students are prepared to meet the needs of the industry and can adapt to a rapidly changing job market.

Innovative Curriculum

The MSIS-Bridge program offers a comprehensive and advanced curriculum that equips students with the ability to solve complex problems creatively. They also gain the skills necessary to design state-of-the-art software solutions that blend seamlessly into the intricate environment of the business world. Additionally, the program places emphasis on the humanistic aspects of technology design, ensuring that solutions are developed with the end-users’ needs and experiences in mind. As a result, graduates of the program can provide effective solutions to real-world challenges.

The faculty of the MSIS-Bridge program is composed of full-time and part-time practitioners who work in the field, with many holding positions at major consulting companies. Their vast experience and expertise are integrated into their classroom instruction, providing students with a practical and up-to-date education that prepares them for success in the industry.

Unique Features

  • Personalized curriculum that caters to both non-technical and technical students.
  • No Pre-Calculus or other Calculus and math courses are needed to be successful. No programming knowledge or background is needed to be admitted.
  • Available full- or part-time.
  • Hands-on learning approach to prepare students with the skills and knowledge necessary for success in the competitive field of information systems.
  • Emphasizes developing critical thinking, problem-solving, communication, and collaboration skills, along with a deep understanding of the business world.
  • Students also learn about human behavior, psychology, and user experience design to create user-friendly and intuitive software solutions.
  • Provides an ecosystem of support made up of inclusive and diverse peers, the MSIS-Bridge Buddy program, and workshops.
  • Opportunity for students to gain up to 8 months of professional experience as part of Northeastern’s top-ranked cooperative education program.

The MSIS-Bridge program is a multi-hub, bringing together our foremost scholars, researchers, and experts from both coasts digitally and in person.

The application fee will automatically be waived for applicants to the MS Information Systems Bridge program for Spring 24, Fall 24, and Spring 25.

Canada campus notifications:

Toronto: This program is offered under the written consent of the Minister of Colleges and Universities for the period from July 28, 2021 to July 26, 2026. Prospective students are responsible for satisfying themselves that the program and the degree will be appropriate to their needs (e.g., acceptable to potential employers, professional licensing bodies or other educational institutions).

Vancouver: This program is offered under the written consent of the Minister of Post-Secondary Education and Future Skills effective March 3, 2023, having undergone a quality assessment process and been found to meet the criteria established by the minister. Nevertheless, prospective students are responsible for satisfying themselves that the program and the degree will be appropriate to their needs (for example, acceptable to potential employers, professional licensing bodies, other educational institutions).

Courses have been selected specifically for students with non-STEM field backgrounds pursuing an MSIS degree with the MSIS-Bridge program. They are designed to bridge the current professional pursuits of students with the foundational background and industry knowledge needed to advance in the IT sector.

See program requirements.

Note: Student’s admitted BEFORE Fall 2022, are required to complete the following degree requirements:

Required Conditional Courses

INFO 5001 Application Modeling and Design 4 SH
DAMG 6105 Data Science Engineering with Python 4 SH

Required Core Courses

INFO 5100 Application Engineering and Development 4 SH


Complete 24 semester hours from the following list

INFO 6150 Web Design and User Experience Engineering 4 SH
INFO 6215 Business Analysis and Information Engineering 4 SH
INFO 6245 Planning and Managing Information Systems Development 4 SH
INFO 6255 Software Quality Control and Management 4 SH
INFO 7245 Agile Software Development 4 SH
INFO 7285 Organizational Change and IT 4 SH
INFO 7385 Managerial Communication for Engineers 4 SH
DAMG 7250 Big Data Architecture and Governance 4 SH
CSYE 7280 User Experience Design and Testing 4 SH

Note: Additional INFO, CSYE, and DAMG courses may be taken as electives towards degree requirements per department approval. The elective courses listed above are recommended for students with non-STEM backgrounds.

  • What kind of backgrounds is the MSIS-Bridge program for?
    The MSIS-Bridge program is predominately geared towards individuals who possess a bachelor’s degree in the humanities or soft sciences. It seeks to prepare professionals, working across a variety of sectors, for the digitization of current roles and responsibilities. Through an MS in Information Systems (MSIS) degree, they will be able to take a seat at the table, working alongside software engineers and programmers as their industry advances into a new age of digitization.
  • Do I need to have taken Pre-Calculus and other Calculus and math courses to be successful?
    No. You do not need to have taken Pre-Calculus and other Calculus and math courses to be successful.
  • Do I need prior programming knowledge to succeed in the MSIS-Bridge program?
    No. No programming knowledge or background is needed to be admitted into the MSIS-Bridge program. Through specially selected required courses, students will be able to learn and develop the skill sets that are required to succeed in the program and in their professional pursuits.
  • Are there other prerequisite courses that an applicant should have previously taken to be successful in the program?
    No. Please refer to the MSIS-Bridge web page and catalog for the complete list of courses needed to successfully complete your degree.
  • Are GREs required?
    No. The GRE is optional for the 2023-2024 academic year.
  • Is the MSIS-Bridge program considered STEM-designated?
    Yes, the MSIS-Bridge program is STEM-designated.
  • What grade is considered “passing” for the MSIS-Bridge core courses?
    A grade of a B- or higher in INFO 5001 – Application Modeling and Design and INFO 5002 – Introduction to Python for Information Systems.
  • How long does it take to complete the two MSIS-Bridge core courses? Can both be taken in one semester?
    Both INFO 5001 – Application Modeling and Design and INFO 5002 – Introduction to Python for Information Systems will be offered in the Fall and Spring semesters. For full-time students, both courses are taken at the same time which allows you to complete these core courses in just one semester. For part-time students, INFO 5001 and INFO 5002 can be taken in different semesters, but both courses are prerequisites to other courses of the MSIS-Bridge curriculum.
  • How long does it take to complete the MSIS-Bridge program?
    Earning your MSIS-Bridge program degree is flexible and has both full-time and part-time options. A student working full-time towards their degree, who also participates in a co-op, typically completes the program in 2.5-3 years. For students working full-time towards their degree, who do not participate in a co-op, typically completes the program in 2-2.5 years.
  • As an MSIS-Bridge student, do I receive a different degree upon graduating than the regular Master of Science in Information Systems degree?
    No. Upon completion of your classes via the MSIS-Bridge program, you will receive a Master of Science in Information Systems.
  • When are classes offered: nights, days, weekends, part-time, full time, online on-demand or live stream?
    All of the above. The MSIS-Bridge program offers a variety of classes, across a variety of times and formats. Classes are offered nights, days, weekends, part-time, full time, online, and through live instruction based on availability.
  • Where is the program offered?
    Boston, MA; Seattle, WA; San Jose, CA (Silicon Valley); and Oakland, CA.
  • Is co-op offered to MSIS-Bridge students?
    Yes, students who are part of the MSIS-Bridge program are eligible to participate in the co-op program.
    An MSIS-IS Bridge student is eligible for co-op when*:

    • They have completed 25SH of qualifying coursework (this included ENCP 6000 (1SH).
    • The student’s academic record must demonstrate a high level of success, including a cumulative GPA of 3.20 or higher, and a GPA of 3.2 or higher must be maintained.
    • First Semester: Students must complete INFO 5001 (4SH) and INFO 5002 (4SH) in their first semester.
    • Second Semester: Students must complete INFO 5100 (4SH) and an elective of their choosing (4SH)
    • Third Semester: Students must enroll in 2 electives of their choosing (8SH) depending on their Visa requirements is applicable

    *The above outlines what a student’s course work may look like for the MSIS-Bridge program. It is recommended for students to enroll in ENCP 6000, a required course to be permitted to go on co-op, in either their second or third semester. Students are permitted to search for co-op after completing ENCP 6000 and 9SH of qualifying coursework in their third semester, in addition to fulfilling the 3.2 or higher GPA requirement.
    Students must complete INFO 5100, ENCP 6000, and 3 electives of their choosing to be eligible to go on co-op. For questions regarding co-op, please contact our co-op team at the following email:

  • How long can I go on co-op?
    Co-ops are a minimum of four months and a maximum of eight months. MSIS-Bridge students are able to participate in one co-op throughout their time at the University.
  • How much money do students make while on co-op?
    This depends on a variety of factors including the position, experience level/skills, company, region, etc. To learn more about our graduate co-op opportunities.
  • Are there teaching assistant opportunities available for first year students?
    Unfortunately, there are no Teaching Assistant (TA) options in your first year. TA positions are filled by second year students only. You are expected to be fully dedicated to achieving academic success in the first year of the program.
    After completing two full semesters of coursework, MSIS-Bridge students are eligible to apply for a TA position if they also meet the following requirements: earned an A- or higher in the course you are interested in being a TA for; have at least a 3.5 GPA; cannot be on co-op; and they are required to physically be present on campus during the entire semester.
  • What type of positions would the MSIS-Bridge prepare students for upon completing the program?
    The MSIS-Bridge program offers a wide variety of courses to allow you to achieve your individual career goals. MSIS graduates find themselves in positions such as: full-stack engineer, UX/UI engineer, business intelligence engineer, data analyst, data science engineer, machine learning engineer, project/product manager, and more!
  • What is the median salary range of students graduating with an MSIS degree?
    This depends on a variety of factors including the position, sector, experience level/skills, company, region, etc.
  • Are there particular majors which make students more competitive for the program?
    No. Our program is designed to be accessible to both students with and without a technical background, offering a comprehensive curriculum that emphasizes hands-on learning. The program provides a personalized learning experience tailored to your individual needs, whether you’re starting from scratch or looking to enhance your technical expertise. Our experienced faculty and cutting-edge curriculum ensure that you stay up to date with the latest industry trends and developments. By the end of the program, you will possess the skills and knowledge to bridge the gap between your current career and your dream job in information systems. Enroll in our Master Program in Information Systems Bridge today and take the first step towards your future.
  • Where can I find the curriculum for the MSIS-Bridge program?
    Please refer to the MSIS-Bridge web page and catalog for the complete list of courses needed to successfully complete your degree and their course descriptions.
  • Are there any resources available for students who want to learn more about a career in information systems and practice their skills?
    Yes! The MSIS-Bridge program offers a library of workshops designed to help students learn more about potential careers in the information systems domain and sharpen their skills.
  • Is the MSIS-Bridge program less technical than the MS in IS program?
    No. Students will learn and participate in the same curriculum. There are a variety of paths students can take that are determined by the technical level and social drive of the courses they enroll in. The MSIS-Bridge program has selected a specific list of courses that will allow you to explore the topics of information systems as they apply to your interests. Also, INFO 5001 and INFO 5002 are the only courses exclusive for MSIS-Bridge students as it prepares students with the base knowledge needed to advance in the program.
  • If I take both INFO 5001 and INFO 5002, do I still need to complete the core course of INFO 5100 and the lab INFO 5101?
    Yes, both are required.
  • What is the total amount of credits needed to complete the MSIS-Bridge program?
    40SH (41SH with ENCP 6000, the one credit co-op course), please refer to the MSIS-Bridge web page and catalog for the complete list of courses needed to successfully complete your degree.
  • Do the credits from the 2 of the core courses (INFO 5001 and INFO 5002) count towards my degree?
    Yes, both INFO 5001 and INFO 5002 will count towards the 40SH required to complete the program (41SH with ENCP 6000, the one credit co-op course).
  • Can I join in the Fall or Spring?
    Both. You can apply to join the MSIS-Bridge program in either a Fall or Spring semester.
  • Ability to design, implement, and evaluate software products
  • Ability to communicate effectively to a variety of industry professionals
  • Ability to identify a problem and formulate solutions through advanced software engineering techniques
  • A strong technical foundation
  • An understanding of professional, ethical, and social issues as they relate to the behavior and impact of the generated software systems

Focus Areas

Specially selected required courses develop the skill sets needed for students to succeed in the program while a variety of electives allow them to tailor the degree to their career goals. Recommended focus areas are as follows. View courses that can help you improve your non-technical abilities.

AI Systems Engineering

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Business Intelligence and Data Analytics

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Full-Stack Software Engineering

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Machine Learning and Data Sciences Engineering

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Project Manager /Product Manager

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User Experience Design

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Student Resources

  • MSIS-Bridge Buddy Program
  • MSIS-Bridge Workshop Library
  • CSYE 6700 – Technical Writing and Professional Development – A communication course that offers students an opportunity to practice verbal and written communication to increase their English competency and comfort level for work in the United States.
  • Code Labs – Provides the ability for students to practice their code outside of class. Labs is a free program with TA’s and Leetcode questions daily. Hundreds of students have utilized this program over the past two years, many sharing that it has helped empower them during their interview process.

What Students Are Saying

“All the time spent in your class and all the model examples you taught me helped set a clear direction for me to follow…. I never experienced such a magic feeling starting from the struggle with thinking over the structure of a university registration system model to a total sense of fulfillment going through all errors to finish the requirements.” Kaijun Chen, MSIS-Bridge

I really appreciate my [MSIS-Bridge Buddy program] mentor’s help, her passion for challenging and acting with a clear goal is also encouraging me to keep on going to build my career.” Yue Wang, MS’24, MSIS-Bridge

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for keeping such an informative [workshop] session for the IS-Bridge students. We are learning a lot of new things and we are meeting new people and learning from their experiences.” Sachin Pawar, MS’24, MSIS-Bridge

Experiential Learning

Northeastern combines rigorous academics with experiential learning and research to prepare students for real world engineering challenges. The Cooperative Education Program, also known as a “co-op,” is one of the largest and most innovative in the world, ranked No. 1 by US News and World Report, 2024. Northeastern is also one of only a few that offers a co-op program for graduate students. Through this program, students gain up to eight months of professional experience employed in their field of  interest as part of the academic curriculum, giving them a competitive advantage after graduation. Northeastern has over 3,000 co-op employer partners, from large companies to entrepreneurial start-ups, and dedicated co-op coordinators to guide students through the process. A recent sampling of MSIS co-op employer partners include:  Google, Amazon, Goldman Sachs, Tesla, Apple, Facebook, Fidelity, Wayfair, Virgin Pulse, and TripAdvisor.

Program Goals

Education Objectives
  • Offers students with non-technical bachelor’s degrees an MSIS degree program specifically designed to enable them to become information systems professionals.
  • Educates a generation of problem-solvers who design innovative software solutions to fit the complexities of the business world while solving the humanistic needs of the people who use them.
  • Allows students to gain a variety of skill sets by seamlessly transitioning their soft skills into technical skills to become leading information systems professionals.
Career Outlook
  • Students who obtain a Master of Science in Information Systems can hold a variety of job titles in analytical, data, and engineering, design, and development positions.
  • The Master of Science in Information Systems program at Northeastern has successfully placed many of our graduates at industry leaders such as Google, Microsoft, Deloitte, Oracle, Amazon, and IBM.
  • MSIS-Bridge students are hired for competitive co-ops and receive full-time offers across a range of industries and companies across the globe. View a sampling of MSIS co-op employers.
  • According to the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics*, employment in computer and information technology occupations is projected to grow 15 percent from 2021 to 2031, much faster than the average for all occupations because of society’s increasing reliance on technology in all fields. This increase is expected to result in about 682,800 new jobs over the decade.
    * Source: Bureau of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, Occupational Outlook Handbook, Computer and Information Technology Occupations

Program Director

Maricla Pirozzi Quartey
Director,  Multidisciplinary Graduate Engineering Programs

Area of Focus: Information Systems and co-op program director for Cyber-Physical Systems, Data Architecture and Management, Information Systems, Software Engineering Systems, and Telecommunication Networks

Academic Advising

For support with academic questions, contact the student services representative assigned to this program.

Admissions & Aid

Ready to take the next step? Review degree requirements to see courses needed to complete this degree. Then, explore ways to fund your education. Finally, review admissions information to see our deadlines and gather the materials you need to Apply.

Student Experiences

Pivot to High Tech With MS in Information Systems-Bridge

Addressing rising demand for digitized operations, the MS in information systems-bridge program is designed to give students with non-technical backgrounds, or those who want to strengthen their technical background, the necessary knowledge and skills to become information systems professionals.

Community of Support in the MSIS-Bridge Program

Prior to enrolling in the MS in information systems-bridge (MSIS-bridge) program, Bhavin Bhatia was working in India as an HR administrator in corporate functions. He always wanted to pursue his master’s degree and the field of computer science. He is now on co-op at Siemen’s working in software testing.

Finding a Community of Peers With MSIS-Bridge in Silicon Valley

With a bachelor’s degree in linguistics, Yang Jiang joined the MSIS-bridge program in Silicon Valley after working in Japan as a technology consultant and program manager at Accenture. She wanted to change her career to a software engineer to understand how the software is developed rather only implement the technology solutions.

Career Change From Paralegal to Data Analyst With MSIS-Bridge

Kaleigh Sieczkowski, a student of the MS in information systems-bridge (MSIS-bridge) program, made a career pivot when she realized her passion for solving problems using technology. She studied international relations at Michigan State University, subsequently working as a paralegal. She plans to become a business intelligence analyst after graduating.