322 Items found
Jonathan (Jon) Harris

Dec 14, 2020

Featured Galante Fellow: Jonathan Harris

Jonathan (Jon) Harris is a fifth-year Northeastern student who has been part of the Galante Engineering Business Program since 2018. He is pursuing a Bachelor’s in Industrial Engineering and his Master’s in Operations Research. In deciding what to pursue at college, he was torn between business and engineering. Once at Northeastern, he was drawn to […]

alumna works in the lab at her job working on a mechanical hand

Dec 02, 2020

Finding Her Path

In sports, they say, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” Roshani A. Patil, ME’19, bioengineering, took that statement to heart when she decided to get a graduate degree.


student in lab coat while on co-op

Nov 24, 2020

Contributing to a Positive Vibe

“I don’t know why, but from a young age I’ve always loved chemistry,” says Lineyah Mitchell, E’21 and MS’21, chemical engineering. While she considered Ivy League universities, she wanted to go someplace where she could really focus on technical studies. Then she visited Northeastern. “I really liked the vibe when I visited,” Mitchell explains. “People […]

Chemical Engineering

portrait outside

Nov 24, 2020

Strong Foundation Propelling the Future

During each step of her college journey, Northeastern graduate Liah Dukaye, E’17, chemical engineering, encountered, in her words, “ups and downs”—experiences that ultimately helped her build her skills, resilience, and confidence.

Chemical Engineering

student in Rome, Italy

Nov 13, 2020

Building on Chemical Engineering with People and Project Management Skills

Rachely Sanchez Murray, E’22, chemical engineering, developed her love for engineering early. Throughout high school, she participated in programs that helped foster that interest. She also knew she wanted to go to a college that not only fed that interest but was also extremely innovative and not stuck in “traditional” ways.

Chemical Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

student portrait outside

Nov 06, 2020

Think, Ask, Solve, Repeat

Blog by Saba Saidi, E’21, a bioengineering and biochemistry student. Learning through experiments was one of my favorite parts of seventh-grade science. Whether it was from running Eggsperiments or learning about blood types, each answer prompted the search for another. Each question is a reminder of all there is to know and understand about the […]


student sitting on wall at Northeastern University

Nov 06, 2020

Making the Shoe Fit

In many ways, mechanical engineers are like superheroes. They look like you or me out on the street, but when they get to work they can solve almost any problem, big or small. Gabrielle Whittle, E’21, a senior majoring in mechanical engineering at Northeastern, comes by her interest in mechanical engineering naturally. Her father is […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

student in Australia with kangeroo

Nov 03, 2020

Take the Leap Abroad and in All You Do

For Macy Parchment, E’22, a junior chemical engineering student, while Boston has certainly had many advantages, it’s her international experience that stands out as she looks back at her college career so far.

Chemical Engineering