322 Items found

Nov 01, 2018

Dell EMC Co-op Leads to Patent

PhD Computer Engineering student Yifan Sun has been awarded a US patent while completing his co-op at EMC. This patent is 1 of 5 patent applications that have been submitted by Dell EMC listing Sun as a co-inventor.  Yifan Sun is a member of the Northeastern University Computer Architecture Laboratory. A student went off to […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Oct 30, 2018

Ready for the High Demand Field of Data Analytics

After he did his first master’s in bioengineering, Zhenyuan Lu, MS Data Analytics Engineering 2019, realized that data analytics was something he was also very interested in. He chose Northeastern’s Data Analytics Engineering program for the variety of practical courses and the co-op program, allowing him to apply his knowledge in the real world. “The […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Oct 30, 2018

Global Dialogue to Global Research and Beyond

A Dialogue of Civilizations program that Michael Tormey, BS Civil Engineering, 2020, completed three years ago highly influenced his academic choices and future plans. He enrolled at Northeastern as a civil engineer, and only after his Dialogue on Climate Change Science and Policy the summer of his freshman year, did Tormey realized how scientific advancements […]

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Oct 30, 2018

Increasing Cybersecurity Standards

A group of MS students from the Information Systems program are working on co-op with Granite Telecommunications to elevate U.S. cybersecurity standards.

Multidisciplinary Masters (IT Areas)

Oct 25, 2018

ECE Student Awarded Patent

ECE PhD student Yifan Sun has been awarded a US patent while completing his co-op at EMC. This patent is only 1 of 5 patent applications that have been submitted by EMC, listing Yifan as a co-inventor.  Yifan Sun is a member of the Northeastern University Computer Architecture Laboratory. Abstract Source: USPTO A method implemented […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Oct 16, 2018

New Pedestrian Bridge Connects ISEC to Main Campus

Early in the morning of October 14th, Northeastern hosted a Midnight Masters Class prior to the installation of a 132-foot long section of the Pedestrian Crossing bridge that will link to two sides of the Northeastern campus over the MBTA tracks.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Oct 05, 2018

IS is the BEST

Enthusiastic and ambitious individual Soumiya Roy, MS Information Systems 2018, already had decent experience in information technology when she first came to Northeastern all the way from New Delhi, India, to study Information Systems. Both heavily data-oriented coursework and a great co-op experience helped her grow professionally and get a full-time job in San Francisco […]

Multidisciplinary Masters (IT Areas)

Oct 05, 2018

Building Skill and Confidence

Northeastern’s co-op experience was not just one of the best memories of Deekshitha Venkateshaiah’s, MS Information Systems 2019, life. It made her realize that Ernst & Young is the company that she wants to be a part of in the future as well. “That is the kind of flexibility and people I would want to […]

Multidisciplinary Masters (IT Areas)