322 Items found

May 18, 2015

Emma Ouellette won Coolest Co-op Video Contest

BSME student Emma Ouellette won the Coolest Co-op video contest during the University Co-op Awards ceremony for her work at Planetary Resources outside Redmond, WA.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

May 11, 2015

Recent BSIE Grad's NU Experiences Push Her to Pursue MS

Recent BSIE Graduate Annmarie Uliano explains how her research, co-op, and campus activities led her to pursue her master's degree this fall in Industrial Engineering at Northeastern University.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Sep 17, 2014

See How The Jetsetting Jamaican Does Panama

Saludos todos! My name is Kathryna Clarke. I am senior civil engineering major at Northeastern that is currently doing an environmental evaluation co-op with the Panama Canal Authority.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Aug 07, 2014

Interning Inside NASA Langley Research Center

Craig Schmidt, BS, Mechanical Engineering, 2017—Preparing a mil­i­tary heli­copter for a crash test is a strange expe­ri­ence. You spend three months designing equip­ment, fab­ri­cating parts and preparing instru­men­ta­tion, only to crash it all into the ground at 40 miles per hour. The phys­ical prod­ucts of the effort are a set of high speed videos, crash […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Jul 31, 2014

Family Health Scare Leads to Healthcare Systems Engineering

Kendall Sanderson, BS, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering 2013—To the indus­trial engi­neering major, one of the most fas­ci­nating prob­lems to solve is the effi­cient routing of delivery trucks around the country. When Sanderson learned he could apply this skill to the health­care industry to pre­vent mis­takes like those made with his mother, he knew he’d found […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Jul 31, 2014

Industrial Engineering Co-op Follows IBM to Philippines

Shuntaro Okuzawa, BS, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering, 2013—“I was looking at every­thing from indi­vidual processes to entire depart­ments from a bird’s eye view,” said Okuzawa. “My work is all about looking at the bigger pic­ture, what indi­vidual tasks fit into a day-​​to-​​day oper­a­tion,” Okuzawa said. “You start with a lot of out­dated doc­u­ments and, through […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Jul 29, 2014

Humanitarian Projects in Civil Engineering

Ann Polaneczky, BS, Civil Engineering, 2011—“When you’re working in a devel­oping country, you have to approach things com­pletely dif­fer­ently,” said 2011 civil engi­neering grad­uate Ann Polaneczky, a project engi­neer for Part­ners in Health, a non profit inter na tional health and social jus tice orga­ni­za­tion. “Your approach has to address anthro­po­log­ical and cul­tural con­cerns because […]

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Jul 29, 2014

Co-op Leads to NASA Dream

Written by Liz Duffy, BS, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Class of 2011. “I chose North­eastern for the co-op pro­gram,” recalls Duffy. “I saw it as a way to get to NASA.” She was right. Duffy started out her career with the gov­ern­ment agency as a co-op stu­dent in the Plan­e­tary Sam­pling Acqui­si­tion and Han­dling group, which develops and […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering