358 Items found

Jun 06, 2013

Off to the races

UPDATE, June 19, 2013: Northeastern’s solar boat team took first place in the visual pre­sen­ta­tion, second place in the tech­nical report, and 10th overall at the 2013 Solar Splash competition. A team of North­eastern stu­dents is hoping to make a splash at an annual solar boat com­pe­ti­tion next week. Well, maybe not too much of […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

May 22, 2013

Drive it to break it

Recent mechan­ical engi­neering grad­uate Andy Benn isn’t used to having time on his hands. Spending an after­noon playing tennis and eating lob­ster rolls, is well, unprece­dented for the former Baja team cap­tain who said he was clocking 80 to 100 hours a week in the auto shop in the base­ment of Richards Hall before grad­u­ating ear­lier this month. In case […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

May 02, 2013

Family’s health scare helps student find calling

When he was just 7 years old, grad­u­ating senior Kendall Sanderson’s mother was diag­nosed with breast cancer. The tumor needed to be removed with emer­gency surgery, according to her son, but com­pli­ca­tions in the hospital’s sched­uling pro­tocol forced a three-​​week delay in the procedure. To the indus­trial engi­neering major, one of the most fas­ci­nating prob­lems to solve […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Mar 26, 2013

Co-​​op student charts new course at computer giant

As com­puting giant IBM has grown, it has expanded dra­mat­i­cally in places around the globe. But in coun­tries like the Philip­pines, the com­pany grew so quickly that some of its key cor­po­rate doc­u­ments, like charts that track the struc­ture and respon­si­bil­i­ties of each of its employees, were never updated to match the new normal. But last year that […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Feb 11, 2013

Congratulations Kendall Sanderson

Kendall Sanderson, a senior Industrial Engineering student was selected to receive Northeastern’s 2013 Outstanding Co-op Education award for his work in the healthcare profession. In 1971, the University established the Cooperative Education Awards to spotlight outstanding seniors in the co-op program. Selected from all undergraduate colleges by co-op faculty coordinators, the recipients are honored at an annual […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Jan 14, 2013

Engineering solutions for developing nations

Using her experiences from co-op and as president of the student chapter of EWB, recent Civil graduate Ann Polaneczky has landed a job at Partners in Health building a hospital in Haiti.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Sep 28, 2012

Slow Economy Employment

MIE Coop Coordinators Karen Kelley & Lorraine Mountain were awarded “Best Presentation” at the 2012 National CIEC conference.  They will receive this award at the next National CIEC in Arizona in early 2013.  View the full press release here. The ASEE Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration is organized by College-Industry Partnership Division (CIPD), Continuing […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Aug 20, 2012

Alumni have their hands in space

As a kid, Liz Duffy E ’11 wanted to be an astro­naut. Megan Richardson E ’10, on the other hand, was more inter­ested in robots. Today they are both working at NASA’s Jet Propul­sion Lab­o­ra­tory helping the Curiosity rover scour Mars for signs of life. “I chose North­eastern for the co-​​op pro­gram,” recalls Duffy. “I saw it […]