358 Items found

Jun 12, 2012

Beating cancer, one nanoparticle at a time

Small wonder that Sean Burns, E’13, spends 10 hours a day in a med­ical oncology lab­o­ra­tory at the Dana-​​Farber Cancer Insti­tute, devel­oping and improving nanopar­ticle screening methods for testing the effec­tive­ness of poten­tial drugs on many forms of cancer: His mom is a nurse and sev­eral of his family mem­bers have bat­tled the disease. “Cancer is […]

Chemical Engineering

Mar 29, 2012

Congratulations Lauren Gianino!!

Lauren Gianino (ChE ’12) is a recipient of the Harold Hodgkinson Award in recognition of scholastic achievement, leadership, coop, and service in voluntary organizations and activities. This is one of the highest honors that a senior at Northeastern can receive.

Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering

Feb 29, 2012

Top Co-Ops: Kristen Blackbird Helps Build the Kostas Institute

Civil Engineering Senior Kristen Blackbird worked on coop with Gilbane Building Company during the construction of the new George J. Kostas Research Institute for Homeland Security.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Dec 20, 2011

Alumni Used Coop to Obtain Dream Job

Maureen Dutton, E'91, was able to use her coop experiences she obtained at Northeastern to achieve her childhood dream of working at NASA.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Sep 28, 2011

Creative Engineering

Using engineering design principles while on coop in Paris, CIV senior Chris Nasif designed a steel reinforcement system that allow buildings to be more earthquake resistant.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

May 27, 2011

Retention Through Coop

MIE Professor & Chair Hameed Metghalchi, STEM Director Claire Duggan, and Multicultural Engineering Director Richard Harris were awarded a $99K NSF grant to determine if student retention is increased by participation in coop.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Apr 26, 2011

Real Life Problem Solving

MIE Junior Brian Racca was able to use the experience he learned in the classroom while on his recent coop to improve the design of a nuclear reactor valve at The Weir Group PLC.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Nov 15, 2010

Prof. Tillman’s Presentation Receives Award

At the 2011 American Society for Engineering Education Conference for Industry and Education Collaboration (ASEE/CIEC) to be held in San Antonio this February, Professor Robert Tillman will receive the 2010 ASEE/CEED Best Presenter Award for his presentation Co-op and Internship Programs: Positive Strategies for Challenging Times.

Civil & Environmental Engineering