488 Items found

Jul 13, 2022

Startup Developed From Cooling Paper Research

MIE Professor Yi Zheng and mechanical engineering student Andrew Caratenuto, PhD’24, created the startup company Planck Energies to develop a cooling paper they designed that could reduce cooling needs. Northeastern researchers design cooling paper that might lessen need for AC Main photo: Andrew Caratenuto, who studies mechanical engineering, tests cooling performance under solar simulator on […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Kaitlyn Ramesh

Jun 14, 2022

First Year UPLIFT Scholar’s Research Leads to Summer REU at Harvard University

During her first year as an UPLIFT Scholar, Kaitlyn Ramesh, E’25, bioengineering, conducted research under the mentorship of Mingyang Lu, assistant professor of bioengineering and researcher in the Center for Theoretical Biological Physics. She worked on developing a pseudotime algorithm that uses temporal single-cell RNA sequencing data. From this experience, Ramesh was selected for a Research Experiences for Undergraduates summer program at Harvard University. She will work at a biophysics lab involved in the Harvard Quantitative Biology Initiative.


Jun 09, 2022

PhD Students Contribute to Boston Area Climate Change Impact Report

PhD engineering students and alumni, who conducted research in Professor Auroop Ganguly’s Sustainability and Data Sciences Lab, contributed to the new research report published by The Greater Boston Research Advisory Group (G-BRAG), titled “Climate Change Impacts and Projections for the Greater Boston Area”, describing how climate change will impact the Boston area.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Jun 08, 2022

DeepCharge Startup Transforms Surfaces into Universal Chargers

Main photo: DeepCharge, a startup spun out of a Northeastern College of Engineering lab, enables any surface to charge electronic devices. For every electronic device you own, there’s one more charger to lose, forget, mix up with a different charger, or simply forget to plug in. But what if charging took up no more thought […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jun 06, 2022

S-POWER: A Successful Model Toward Equalizing Opportunities for Underrepresented Students

The S-POWER (Student Pathways Opening World Energy Resources) five-year NSF S-STEM grant for primarily students entering Northeastern from community colleges and Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) has been very successful and is now institutionalized in the college of engineering.

Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

May 23, 2022

Computer Engineering PhD Wins Best Poster at CF22

Computer engineering student Nicolas Agostini, PhD’23, advised by ECE Professor David Kaeli, won the best poster award at the 19th ACM International Conference on Computing Frontiers (CF22) for his poster on “SODA-OPT an MLIR based flow for co-design and high-level synthesis.”

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Aditi Purandare

May 05, 2022

Research Experiences Lead to Fulbright-Canada Globalink Mitacs Award

Aditi Purandare, E‘23, electrical and computer engineering, had three reasons for deciding to attend Northeastern. “I chose Northeastern because of the co-op program, the location, and the opportunities available to undergraduates,” she says. The university also played a huge part in fueling Purandare’s research interests. “The College of Engineering has a lot of interesting projects […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Apr 26, 2022

Students Published and Presented at the 2022 ASEE-NE Conference

Eight Northeastern University cornerstone teams participated and presented at the Northeast Conference. The papers will be published on the ASEE PEER. The papers info is listed below: A Step Towards an Inclusive Future via Piezo Generators, FYE/ECE Teaching Professor Bala Maheswaran, Catherine Costa, E’26, Minnah Uddin, E’26, Morgan Mica Williams, E’25, and Ingrid Alika, E’26 (Northeastern […]

Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering