488 Items found
Jessica Faust

Apr 27, 2020

Faust Received the Outstanding Graduate Student Award for Research

Mechanical Engineering student Jessica Faust, PhD’20, was awarded the Outstanding Graduate Student Award for Research.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Katelyn Ripley

Apr 23, 2020

Ripley Receives 2020 Compass Award

ChE Katelyn Ripley, E’20, is the recipient of the 2020 Compass Award, which recognizes exemplary students from the senior class who, during their time on campus, have demonstrated a true dedication to a core set of values: leadership, volunteerism, academic integrity, and commitment to Northeastern.

Chemical Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Kritika Singh

Apr 17, 2020

Kritika Singh Named NIH OxCam Scholar

Kritika Singh, BioE’20, was selected as a National Institutes of Health Oxford-Cambridge (NIH OxCam) Scholar.


RISE logo

Apr 13, 2020

Congratulations RISE:2020 Winners

Congratulations to our engineering students who won awards at the RISE:2020 Research, Innovation and Scholarship Expo!

Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering


Feb 13, 2020

Using Drones to Monitor Penguin Populations

Computer Engineering PhD students Yang Liu and Vikrant Shah traveled to Antarctica to count the dwindling population of chinstrap penguins with drones.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Kritika Singh, founder and director of Northeastern University Global Health Initiative, speaks during the Global Health in a Changing World conference

Feb 10, 2020

Addressing the Global Concerns of Human Health

Kritika Singh, BioE’20, is the founder and director of the Northeastern University Global Health Initiative student group and organized the recent Global Health in a Changing World: People, Planet, and Technology conference.


Jan 07, 2020

Recognizing Families in the Wild (RFIW)

Computer Engineering PhD student Joseph Robinson’s research on kinship recognition was featured in “Recognizing Families in the Wild (RFIW)” as the challenge of the month in Computer Vision News.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jan 03, 2020

Recognizing Kin

Computer Engineering PhD student Joseph Robinson’s research on kinship recognition was featured in the Communications of the ACM article “Recognizing Kin”.

Electrical & Computer Engineering