488 Items found

Apr 02, 2024

Ramesh Receives Prestigious Goldwater Scholarship

Kaitlyn Ramesh, E’25, bioengineering, received the Barry Goldwater Scholarship, one of the nation’s most prestigious, merit-based awards for undergraduate students who plan to pursue research careers in natural sciences, engineering, and mathematics.


Mar 20, 2024

‘Emerging Investigators’ Are Studying Flow of Soft Materials Through Tiny Spaces

ChE Assistant Professor Sara Hashmi and Barrett Smith, PhD’24, chemical engineering, were recognized as part of the “Emerging Investigators” series of the Royal Society of Chemistry journal Soft Matter. Smith was first author of their paper, “In Situ Polymer Gelation in Confined Flow Controls Intermittent Dynamics,” which uncovers novel flow behavior in crosslinking biopolymers.

Chemical Engineering

Mar 06, 2024

Northeastern Empowered Leading Saudi Arabian Data Scientist

Interdisciplinary Engineering aluma Kholoud Khateeb, PhD’15, is helping transform health care in Saudi Arabia as a female data scientist, and she says she owes her success to Northeastern.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Mar 04, 2024

COE Research Expo Displays Promising Work of PhD Students

The College of Engineering held a research expo to highlight the work of PhD students. Participants presented their research to a panel of judges and gained critical presentation and communication skills. They also displayed their research during the poster showcase and students were recognized with awards.

Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Feb 28, 2024

Entrepreneur Invents Next-Generation Hydroelectric Power System

Entrepreneur Siddharth Pannir, MS’19, energy systems, and certificate in engineering leadership, hopes to launch by the end of 2024 an award-winning portable hydroelectric system that electrifies existing damns to help communities that have suffered from a weather disaster or do not have easy access to electricity.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Feb 23, 2024

Exploring a Wealth of Options To Pursue Unique Educational Paths

Julia Treese, E’24, chemical engineering, started her Northeastern journey in the Explore program. After three co-ops and a variety of extracurriculars, she has found that biotech is her calling.

Chemical Engineering

Feb 20, 2024

Using Ultra-Efficient Ising Machines for Complex Problem Solving

Research on “parametric frequency divider based Ising machines” conducted by Nicolas Casilli, E’21, MS’21, PhD’26, electrical engineering, in Associate Professor Cristian Cassella’s lab, was accepted for publication in Physical Review Letters.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Feb 16, 2024

New Research Questions How Connective Tissues Are Formed

BioE Professor Jeffrey Ruberti’s new research, published in the journal Matter, suggests that connective tissues in the human body are more likely formed by cells pulling apart than coming together. Ruberti conducted the research with BioE Associate Research Scientist Seyed Mohammad Siadat; Alexandra Silverman, MS’21, bioengineering; and Jason Olszewski, E’24, bioengineering.
