488 Items found

Dec 21, 2023

Moving Toward a Future in Bioengineering Research

By succeeding academically, thriving in two co-ops, participating in student groups, and working with a mentor, Hannah Kim, E’24, bioengineering, is set to pursue an advanced degree with a research focus on tissue mechanics and tissue biology.


Dec 15, 2023

Networking Fair Highlights Innovative PhD Research

Northeastern University’s PhD Network recently hosted an Innovation Research Fair in which PhD candidates presented their research to 14 companies, including Takeda, Amgen, and Merck, spanning what’s now the largest biotech hub in the country—Greater Boston.

Chemical Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Dec 12, 2023

Predicting Flooding with AI Models

Following deadly floods in Tennessee, Puja Das, PhD’27, interdisciplinary engineering, is working on a NASA-funded project exploring AI-driven rainfall prediction models.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Dec 04, 2023

Chemical Engineering Students Win 1st and 3rd at National AIChE Undergraduate Poster Competition

Chemical engineering students Ira Hysi, E’25, and Nethra Iyer, E’24, won 1st and 3rd place, respectively, showcasing their research at the national American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Annual Meeting in the Undergraduate Poster Competition.

Chemical Engineering

Dec 01, 2023

Early Start on a PhD Path in Mechanical Engineering

Abraham LeMole, E’23, PhD’28, mechanical engineering, starts on a PhD path under the guidance of Mehdi Abedi, MIE associate teaching professor. Two co-ops in the mechanical engineering industry helped LeMole decide to advance his education with a focus on research.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Nov 21, 2023

Seeing the Real-World Applications of Electrical Engineering

Claire Cregin, E’25, electrical engineering, has gotten hands-on project, co-op, and research experience allowing her to apply electrical engineering to real-world applications. She built an ECG, created a game exhibited at the Boston Children’s Museum, and worked on transportation systems at Jacobs Engineering.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Nov 15, 2023

CEE Student Nominated for Churchill-Kanders Scholarship

Environmental engineering and health science student Hyun Lee, E’23, was nominated for the Churchill-Kanders Scholarship, which was established in 2017 to address the growing divide between science and public policy by funding a Master’s in Public Policy at Cambridge University.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Nov 14, 2023

MS to PhD Research Leads to Improved Autonomous Vehicles

Xiangyu Bai, MS’23, electrical and computer engineering, who is now pursuing his PhD at Northeastern in computer engineering, conducts research in the area of computer vision focused on improving autonomy simulations. He is advised by Associate Professor Sarah Ostadabbas and works in her Augmented Cognition Laboratory.

Electrical & Computer Engineering