488 Items found

Nov 13, 2023

Searching for a Cure to Cancer on Co-op

The three co-op experiences and capstone project of Jessica Chen, E’24, bioengineering, has solidified a love for cell culture and the cellular parts of bioengineering. She had co-ops at Gentuity, a medical device company; Ensoma, a biotech company; and through the CaNCURE program at Northeastern, that places undergraduate students in cancer nanomedicine positions in Boston.


Nov 10, 2023

Co-op and Research Puts Student on Robotics Career Path

Xavier Hubbard, MS’23, robotics, completed a co-op at Venca Robotics and conducted research as part of his master’s project. Academics, combined with the experiential learning and job experience, helped him land a job as a robotics engineer at MIT Lincoln Laboratory.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Nov 03, 2023

Bioengineering Education and Experiences for a Career in Cancer Research

Luke DeMarco, E’24, bioengineering, is interested in a career in cancer research. He’s had two co-ops in the area of immunotherapy and cancer research, including at biotech startup Catamaran Bio and at Northeastern conducting research in a faculty member’s lab. He also went on a Dialogue of Civilizations to Italy and has applied for a Fulbright Scholarship to conduct research in Germany.


Nov 03, 2023

Advancing Robotics and Space Exploration through Co-op, Labs, and Clubs

Garrit Strenge, E’24, computer engineering and computer science, has had three co-ops at Busck Space Propulsion, Morse Corp., and Amazon Robotics. He is also conducted research in the Movement Neuroscience Lab, and is active in clubs such as Students for the Exploration of Space.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Oct 27, 2023

Electrical Engineer’s Path From the Dominican Republic to Northeastern University

Cesar Manuel De Oleo, E’26, electrical engineering, participated in the Undergraduate Program for Leaders In Future Transformation (UPLIFT) program. As a first-year student, he participated in research on parallel computing. He has learned buildup of C programming, algorithms, libraries, and programming in CUDA and help his research.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Oct 26, 2023

A Culture of Ambition and Determination

With a goal of earning a PhD, Melissa Scanlon, E’24, bioengineering and biochemistry, has had three research co-ops in the areas of cell biology and cellular engineering, and also studied abroad for semester at Mahidol University in Thailand.


Cristian Cassella

Oct 24, 2023

Improving RF Resonator Technology

ECE Associate Professor Cristian Casella and electrical engineering student Xuanyi Zhao, PhD’23 were awarded a patent for “Two dimensional rod resonator for RF filtering.”

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Oct 18, 2023

Testing Extremes of Human Motor Control to Advance Robotics

Dagmar Sternad, university distinguished professor of biology, ECE, and physics, and her research group at Northeastern’s Action Lab, including mechanical engineering PhD student Mahdiar Edraki, are looking at extreme human movement to understand how humans manipulate complex objects, like whips.

Electrical & Computer Engineering