488 Items found

Jul 20, 2016

APS Conference

Written by Anthony Bisulco, a second year Electrical and Computer Engineering student.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jul 12, 2016

Prof. Erb’s research published in Nature Energy

MIE Assistant Professor Randy Erb, head of the DAPS Lab, and his graduate student Anvesh Gurijala, along with researchers from MIT, published their work in Nature Energy this week on “High-performance battery electrodes via magnetic templating“. Their findings demonstrate a marked improvement to conventional lithium ion batteries for electrical vehicle applications by using magnetic technology […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Jul 07, 2016

International REU at the University of Bordeaux

Recent ME graduate Nelly Nganga and other LSAMP students recently took part in an International Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) at the University of Bordeaux in France.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

May 02, 2016

ChemE Students Participate in RISE Competition

On April 7, over 900 student and faculty presenters displayed their innovative research projects in the Cabot Cage to a mixture of judges, industry experts, and attendees. Chemical Engineering was well represented at the expo with over 20 students standing by their posters. For many students, it was their first time participating in the RISE […]

Chemical Engineering

Apr 08, 2016

Congratulations RISE Winners

Congratulations to Mansi Jain, MSIS’17, Joshua Martin, PhDME’17, and Quan Do, BSEE’19, winners of the university’s Research, Inno­va­tion, and Schol­ar­ship Expo.

Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Apr 04, 2016

ChE Student Griffin Rapsilber Published in Polymer

As part of the ChE Global Exchange Program, Griffin Rapsilber, ChE ’16, who worked as a research assistant at the Universitat Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona, Spain, had his research published in the Polymer journal entitled Liquid Crystalline Polymeric Wires for selective Proton Transport, Part 1: Wires Preparation.

Chemical Engineering

Apr 04, 2016

BioE PhD Student Solomon Mensah Receives 2016 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Award

Solomon Mensah is a Doctoral student in the Department of Bioengineering and a 2016 recipient of the prestigious National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Award. He will use his award to investigate inter-cellular interactions in cancer and cardiovascular diseases, and to study the role played by the blood vessel wall sugar coating called “glycocalyx."  Mensah's work, is supervised by Professor […]


Mar 16, 2016

App to Help Stop Deadly Epidemics

Computer Engineering PhD student Murphy Wonsick was featured in the Boston Herald for her blood sample tracking app that could help stop deadly epidemics in developing countries.

Electrical & Computer Engineering