488 Items found

Dec 10, 2015

Research from the Slavov Lab highlighted in a Cell Press Spotlight by Thomas Preiss

BioE Assistant Professor Nikolai Slavov's research was featured in Trends in Biochemical Sciences for "All Ribosomes Are Created Equal. Really?"

Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering

Dec 04, 2015

Carol Livermore co-chairs PowerMEMS 2015, and her research group presents four papers.

MIE Associate Professor Carol Livermore co-chaired the 15th International Conference on Micro and Nanotechnology for Power Generation and Energy Conversion Applications (PowerMEMS 2015) in Boston.

Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Nov 05, 2015

COE Undergraduate Research Journal Seeking Submissions

Undergrads can now submit to the first edition of Embark: Northeastern Undergraduate Engineering Review This is a journal dedicated to publishing papers authored by COE undergrads and to exposing students to the paper review process typical to professional journals. If interested, please fill out the survey found at the following link to stay updated: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/3KMNFCP  Please send any questions to embark@neu.edu.  Submitting […]

Oct 29, 2015

3D Printed Medical Devices

MIE Assistant Professor Randall Erb & Joshua Martin, PhD '17, developed an innovative 3-D printing technology to revolutionize important biomedical equipment, enhancing treatment for everyone from premature babies to patients needing implants.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Oct 19, 2015

Global Exchange Program

ChE Chair & Professor Thomas Webster created the Global Exchange Program to combine the experiences of working abroad with research opportunities at other universities.

Chemical Engineering

Sep 24, 2015

Research Fair a Big Success

The COE Undergraduate Research Lab fair gathered hundreds of students eager to learn about the research opportunities available to them.

Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Jul 21, 2015

Studying India's Climate Changes

CEE Associate Professor Auroop Ganguly led a group of 26 students to India as part of the Dialogue of Civilizations program to study how India is preparing for climate changes.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Jul 13, 2015

Geilich Selected as Finalist in AIChE Award Competition

BioE PhD student Ben Geilich was selected as one of five finalists for the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Bionanotechnology Graduate Student Award Competition.

Bioengineering, Chemical Engineering