488 Items found

Sep 22, 2014

PhD Student Wins Young Researchers Forum Award from IEEE Conference

Congratulations to Nimet Yildirim, a Ph.D. student in the bioengineering program and in the CEE department, advised by CEE Prof. April Gu and MIE Prof. Ahmed Busnaina, along with the coauthors Jin Young Lee, Han Chul Cho and Sivasubramanian Somu, for winning the Young Researchers Forum Award from the 2014 IEEE Biosensors & Bioelectronics conference. 

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Aug 07, 2014

Interning Inside NASA Langley Research Center

Craig Schmidt, BS, Mechanical Engineering, 2017—Preparing a mil­i­tary heli­copter for a crash test is a strange expe­ri­ence. You spend three months designing equip­ment, fab­ri­cating parts and preparing instru­men­ta­tion, only to crash it all into the ground at 40 miles per hour. The phys­ical prod­ucts of the effort are a set of high speed videos, crash […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Aug 01, 2014

Bioengineering a Better Treatment

David Walsh, PhD, Bioengineering, 2016—Every two months, North­eastern bio­engi­neering grad­uate stu­dent David Walsh’s 91-​​year-​​old grand­mother goes to the doctor to receive a drug injec­tion into her eyes. She has wet age-​​related mac­ular degen­er­a­tion. There is no cure, only this inva­sive, recur­ring treatment. To solve this problem, Walsh is devel­oping a device that will pro­vide valu­able […]


Aug 01, 2014

ALERT Research Opportunity Comes Early

Lyda Sallaway, BS, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering 2015—In the summer fol­lowing her freshman year, Sall­away got a job con­ducting exper­i­ments on backscatter X-​​ray imaging tech­nology, which is used to per­form full-​​body scans at air­ports throughout the country. She secured the posi­tion through her role in Northeastern’s Investing in Tomorrow’s Engi­neering Leaders (ITEL) pro­gram, which pro­vides […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Jul 31, 2014

Family Health Scare Leads to Healthcare Systems Engineering

Kendall Sanderson, BS, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering 2013—To the indus­trial engi­neering major, one of the most fas­ci­nating prob­lems to solve is the effi­cient routing of delivery trucks around the country. When Sanderson learned he could apply this skill to the health­care industry to pre­vent mis­takes like those made with his mother, he knew he’d found […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Jul 23, 2014

Inside the NASA Langley Research Center

ME student Craig Schmidt, Jr. explains the awesome experiences he is having participating in a NASA internship.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Jul 11, 2014

Congratulations Caroline Webb

Caroline Webb, a student of Chemical Engineering, is the recipient of a 2014 Provost Undergraduate Research Award in the amount of $1,000. Recipients of this award are funded by the Provost's Office and are overseen by full-time Northeastern faculty members. Students are also encouraged to present the results of their research at campus-wide events such as RISE, which […]

Jun 11, 2014

#howmatters: ingredients for cancer drug delivery

Last week, Chobani Yogurt came out with a new ad cam­paign intended to pro­mote its “all-​​natural” ingre­di­ents list. A series of witty mes­sages revealed them­selves each time a hungry yogurt eater popped the lid on one of their Chobani100 yogurt cups. Example: “Nature got us to 100 calo­ries, not sci­en­tists. #howmatters.” Not sur­pris­ingly, sci­en­tists took issue with […]

Chemical Engineering