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89 Items found

Sinan Müftü

COE Distinguished Professor, 
Mechanical and Industrial Engineering

Cold-spray additive manufacturing; high-velocity impact of micron-scale particles; mechanics and tribology of axially moving materials; numerical simulation of tissue healing and bone remodeling

Sanjeev Mukerjee

Affiliated Faculty, 
Chemical Engineering

Physical/materials chemistry

Sarma Mulukutla

Professor Emeritus, 
Electrical and Computer Engineering

Electric Machines; Energy Conversion; Electromagnetic Fields in Electrical Devices; Power Systems: Simulation, Analysis, and Optimum Control

Samuel Munoz

Associate Professor, 
jointly appointed in Marine and Environmental Sciences & Civil and Environmental Engineering

Sedimentary records of environmental change, paleoclimate and climate change, rivers and fluvial processes, hydroclimatic extremes

Andrew T. Myers

Professor and Associate Chair for Graduate Studies, 
Civil and Environmental Engineering

Fixed and floating offshore wind structures; multi-scale experimental testing of structures; computational simulation; probabilistic modeling