Related News for Waleed Meleis
High School Students Participate in Enabling Engineering Project
High school students participating in an Enabling Engineering internship program designed a training tool to identify and treat femoral hematomas and improved a wheelchair camera mount.
Shaping the Future of Education in Africa
ECE Alum Mohamed Kante, E’12, founded iNERDE is to inspire and empower African youth to learn the skills they will need to make discoveries, think critically, and prosper in an evolving world.
Congratulations RISE: 2021 Winners
Congratulations to our engineering students who won awards at the RISE:2021 Research, Innovation and Scholarship Expo!
Enabling Engineers Group Builds Prototypes to Improve Lives
The Enabling Engineers student group have designed products such as a bow and arrow for the visually impaired and a one handed guitar to improve the lives of people with physical and cognitive disabilities. ‘We don’t just build something in a vacuum’ Kevin Leiser starts with his eyes closed and his back to the target. […]
Faculty and Staff Awards 2019
Congratulations to all the winners of the faculty and staff awards, and to everyone for their hard work and dedication during the 2018-2019 academic school year. See Photo Gallery Faculty Fellow Matthew Eckelman, CEE Yongmin Liu, MIE Outstanding Teacher of First Year Engineering Students Joseph Depasquale, Chemistry Brian O’Connell, FYE Sumi Seo, Mathematics Matthew Webber, […]
Enabling Engineering Podcast Featuring ECE Professor Waleed Meleis
How do we design for the large part of the population with varying physical and cognitive abilities? In this What's New podcast, Waleed Meleis, associate professor of electrical and computer engineering, discusses the mission, innovations, and impact of the student-led club Enabling Engineering group, which designs and builds low-cost devices for those with physical and […]
ECE Faculty Meet With Student Advisory Board
ECE Interim Chair Miriam Leeser, Associate Chair Waleed Meleis, and Associate Professor Purnima Ratilal-Makris met with undergraduate students in the ECE Student Advisory Board to discuss their experiences in the department. The Student Advisory Board is planning on meeting with the department regularly throughout the year. We look forward to continuing the conversation.
Dialogue of Civilizations trip to Italy, Summer 2 2017
What do weather prediction, the stock market, and phone call routing have to do with Galileo, Newton, and Leonardo da Vinci? Come to Italy to find out! Italy and the Scientific Revolutions Instructor: Prof. Waleed Meleis This Dialogue studies two revolutions in scientific thought: the Scientific Revolution of the 17th and 18th centuries and the […]
Advancing Teaching and Learning at Northeastern
Northeastern has awarded grants to two groups of faculty to promote Advancing Teaching and Learning at Northeastern.
Faculty and Staff Awards 2016
2016 Faculty and Staff Awards Congratulations to all the winners of the faculty and staff awards, and to everyone for their hard work and dedication during the 2015-2016 academic school year. Faculty Fellow Kaushik Chowdhury, ECE Carol Livermore, MIE Marilyn Minus, MIE Rising Star Staff Award Gabrielle Fiorenza, Co-op Nicole Nightingale, Dean’s Office Outstanding Teachers […]
Giving Back During Spring Break
Enabling Engineering students spent their spring break in Ecuador showing kids with disabilities how to use devices they created which should help them. Source: News @ Northeastern A group of Northeastern engineering and physical therapy students have spent months developing four devices designed to help children with disabilities at an orphanage in Ecuador. On Sunday, […]
Exploring the Evolution of Scientific Thought
ECE Associate Professor Waleed Meleis led a group of students to Italy as part of a Dialogue of Civilizations to explore the Scientific and Computational Revolution.
Helping the Blind to Navigate Intersections
Under the direction of Associate Professor Waleed Meleis, a group of ECE capstone students developed an app to help those visually impaired navigate intersections.
Helping Kids Communicate
The student group Enabling Engineering delivered two low-cost communication devices to disabled children in Ecuador during their spring break.
Improving Lives of Others
The student group Enabling Engineering have developed prototypes to help the elderly get up and an app to help kids with cerebral palsy
Promoting Engineering Education
MIE Assistant Professor Andrew Gouldstone and ECE Associate Professor Waleed Meleis were invited to represent Northeastern at the National Academy of Engineering’s Frontiers of Engineering Education Symposium. The 2012 Japan-American Frontiers of Engineering was held October 29-31, 2012, at the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Center in Irvine, California. Sixty of the most promising engineers under the age of 45 from […]
Congratulations to the winners of the ECE Capstone Competition!
1st Place: iCRAFT (eye Controlled Robotic Arm Feeding Technology) 2nd Place (tied): Board Games over IP 2nd Place (tied): HyCycle – Electricity Generating Bicycle