Related News for Aron Stubbins

Spring 2025 PEAK Experiences Awardees for Undergrad Research

Several COE, COS, and Khoury students mentored by COE faculty are recipients of the Spring 2025 PEAK Experiences Awards from Northeastern’s Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships.

2024 Stanford University Annual Assessment of Author Citations

The following COE professors are among the top scientists worldwide selected by Stanford University representing the top 2% of the most-cited scientists with single-year impact in various disciplines. The selection is based on the top 100,000 by c-score (with and without self-citations) or a percentile rank of 2% or above. The list below includes those who published a paper in 2024 or later.

Spring 2025 AJC Merit Research Scholars

Several engineering and science students mentored by COE faculty are recipients of Northeastern’s AJC Merit Research Scholarship, which will fund a co-op in the laboratory of a Northeastern University STEM faculty member.

Propelling Efforts To Limit Worldwide Plastic Pollution

MES/COS/CEE Professor Aron Stubbins is part of a delegation involved in what could be the final round in the negotiation process for an international plastic pollution treaty that would limit plastic pollution worldwide.

Fall 2024 PEAK Experiences Awardees for Undergrad Research

Several COE, COS, and Khoury students mentored by COE faculty are recipients of the Fall 2024 PEAK Experiences Awards from Northeastern’s Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships.


Scientists Sound Alarm Over Threat Altering Ocean’s Ability To Absorb Carbon: ‘A Threat to Global Scale Processes’

MES/COS/CEE Professor Aron Stubbins was featured in the Yahoo article “Scientists Sound Alarm Over Threat Altering Ocean’s Ability To Absorb Carbon: ‘A Threat to Global Scale Processes’.”

New Study Finds That Microplastics Reduce the Efficiency of Removing Carbon Dioxide From the Atmosphere

MES/COS/CEE Professor Aron Stubbins co-authored a new study, published in Marine Chemistry, which shows that microplastics slow down the ocean’s natural carbon sink process. This is reducing the ocean’s ability to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, which impedes it from helping offset the climate crisis.


5 NSF Projects Transforming How Researchers Understand Plastic Waste

MES/COS/CEE Professor Aron Stubbins’ research on plastic pollution was featured in the NSF article “5 NSF Projects Transforming How Researchers Understand Plastic Waste.”

Field Experts Discuss the Monitoring of Microplastics in the Massachusetts Bay

At a full-day workshop, CEE/MES Associate Professor Loretta Fernandez, and members of research organizations, academia, and industry discussed microplastics in local water systems and proposed solutions to prevent potential health impacts as the plastics degrade.


How Sunlight Degrades Marine Plastics

MES/COS/CEE Professor Aron Stubbins was featured in the PBS Instagram post “How Sunlight Degrades Marine Plastics.” This research was published as “Molecular Signatures of Dissolved Organic Matter Generated From the […]

Sunlight Is Breaking Down Plastic Threatening Ocean Health

MES/COS/CEE Professor Aron Stubbins has found that sunlight breaks down plastics in the ocean into hundreds of new chemicals which will potentially have harmful environmental and health consequences.

2023 Stanford University Annual Assessment of Author Citations

The following COE professors are among the top scientists worldwide selected by Stanford University representing the top 2% of the most-cited scientists with single-year impact in various disciplines. The selection is based on the top 100,000 by c-score (with and without self-citations) or a percentile rank of 2% or above.

Fall 2023 PEAK Experiences Awardees for Undergrad Research

Several engineering and science students mentored by COE faculty are recipients of Fall 2023 PEAK Experiences Awards from Northeastern’s Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships.


Isolating Plastics To Analyze Pollutants

MES/COS/CEE Professor Aron Stubbins’ research on “An Optimized Acidic Digestion for the Isolation of Microplastics From Biota-rich Samples and Cellulose Acetate Matrices” was published in Environmental Pollution.

2022 Stanford University Annual Assessment of Author Citations

A group of COE professors are among the top scientists worldwide selected by Stanford University representing the top 2% of the most-cited scientists with single-year impact in various disciplines. The selection is based on the top 100,000 by c-score (with and without self-citations) or a percentile rank of 2% or above.

Samuel Munoz, Ed Beighley, and Aron Stubbins

Investigating the Accumulation of Microplastics in the Environment

MES/CEE Assistant Professor Samuel Munoz, CEE Professor Edward Beighley, and MES/COS/CEE Professor Aron Stubbins were awarded a $530K NSF grant for “Evaluating Patterns and Controls on Microplastic Accumulation in Floodplains.”

FY23 TIER 1 Award Recipients

Congratulations to the 15 COE faculty and affiliates who were recipients of FY23 TIER 1 Interdisciplinary Research Seed Grants for 13 different projects.

Exploring the Dangers of Microplastics

MES/CEE Assistant Professor Samuel Munoz and MES/COS/CEE Professor Aron Stubbins are exploring how microplastics are accumulating in areas such as floodplains. Microplastics are everywhere, but their dangers largely remain a […]

Spring 2022 PEAK Experiences Awardees for Undergrad Research

Several engineering and science students mentored by COE faculty are recipients of Northeastern’s Spring 2022 PEAK Experiences Awards from Northeastern’s Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships.

COE Professors Selected in Stanford University List of Top 2% Scientists Worldwide

The following COE professors are among the top scientists worldwide selected by Stanford University representing the top 2 percent of the most-cited scientists with single-year impact in various disciplines. The […]

Tracking How Black Carbon is Getting in the Oceans

MES/COS/CEE Professor Aron Stubbins is researching how black carbon is making its way to the depths of the oceans. Is wildfire soot leaving a mark on the world’s oceans? Main […]


Assessing the Plastic-Carbon Concentrations at the Ocean’s Surface

MES/COS/CEE Associate Professor Aron Stubbins is leading a $300K NSF EAGER grant, in collaboration with Jason Guo from the Barnett Institute, Kara Lavender Law from the Sea Education Association, and Valier Galy from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, for “Assessing the contribution of plastics to marine particulate organic carbon.”

Plastics are a pervasive source of pollution. And they might also be significantly altering the Earth’s carbon cycle and our ability to monitor it, according to research by Northeastern’s Aron Stubbins. Photo by Ruby Wallau/Northeastern University

Stubbins and Munoz Published in Science for Plastics in the Earth System

A research paper, titled, “Plastics in the Earth System” by Associate Professor Aron Stubbins, MES/COS/CEE, and Assistant Professor Samuel E. Muñoz, MES/CEE, was published in the journal Science.

daniel devoy

Engaging Research from the Start

Curiosity and engagement are top traits of high-potential talented students. To tap into and nurture this excitement, the College of Engineering introduced an innovative program in Fall 2020: Undergraduate Program for Leaders In Future Transformation (UPLIFT). UPLIFT Scholars are paired with a faculty mentor and work in their mentor’s lab conducting research starting their first semester of their first year of study at Northeastern.

Ameet Pinto, Aron Stubbins, and Kelsey Pieper

Effects of COVID-19 on Water Supply Usage

CEE Assistant Professor Ameet Pinto, MES/COS/CEE Associate Professor Aron Stubbins, and CEE Assistant Professor Kelsey Pieper were awarded a $200K NSF RAPID grant for “Extreme water use patterns and their impact on the microbial and chemical ecology of drinking water.”

ocean with black carbon on shore

Investigating the Source of Oceanic Black Carbon

COS/CEE Associate Professor Aron Stubbins is investigating the source of the black carbon located at the bottom of the oceans.

professor in lab looking at test tube

New Research Raises Questions About Global Carbon Cycle

COS/CEE Associate Professor Aron Stubbins’ article on “Isotopic composition of oceanic dissolved black carbon revels non-riverine source” was published in Nature Communications.

Investigating if Sunlight Degrades Microplastics

COS/CEE Associate Professor Aron Stubbins, in collaboration with Kara Lavender Law from the Sea Education Association (SEA), is leading a $420K NSF grant for “The role of sunlight in determining the fate and microbial impact of microplastics in surface waters”.

Abd-Alla Receives Society of Women Engineers Boston Scholarship

BS/MS Environmental Engineering student Areeg Abd-Alla, E’22, received a 2019 Society of Women Engineers Boston Chapter Scholarship, an award given to women studying engineering and engineering technology.

FY20 TIER 1 Award Recipients

25 COE faculty and affiliates were recipients of FY20 TIER 1 Interdisciplinary Research Seed Grants for 18 different projects representing up to $900K dollars of investment in research.

Studying How Dissolved Organic Carbon is Effecting Climate Change

COS/CEE Associate Professor Aron Stubbins is studying how carbon moves off the land, such as in frozen permafrost, and into rivers, where it eventually gets converted into carbon dioxide—a greenhouse gas that’s causing global warming.

New Faculty Spotlight: Aron Stubbins

Aron Stubbins joins the Civil and Environmental Engineering department in January 2018 as an Associate Professor with a joint appointment in Marine and Environmental Sciences.