4156 Items found

Feb 05, 2015

Global Coverage of Climate Change

CIV Associate Professor Auroop Ganguly’s recent article in ERL about “Changes in Observed Climate Extremes in Global Urban Areas” has been featured on news sites worldwide

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Feb 04, 2015

High-Rate Nanoscale Offset Printing Process Using Directed Assembly and Transfer of Nanomaterials

Advanced Materials has published an article entitled "High-Rate Nanoscale Offset Printing Process Using Directed Assembly and Transfer of Nanomaterials", by NSF Center for High-rate Nanomanufacturing researchers about technology developed at CHN.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Jan 26, 2015

Jung Awarded $370K for Automotive Lighting System

MIE Associate Professor Yung Joon Jung was awarded a $370K grant for developing strong, high thermal resistant and lightweight materials for high performance automotive lightening systems.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Jan 23, 2015

Kaeli Interviewed by WGBH Radio

ECE Professor David Kaeli was featured on WGBH radio for how Cyber Hacks are Changing Higher Ed.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jan 23, 2015

Patent Awarded for Nanorods

MIE’s Ahmed Busnaina, Cihan Yilmaz, & Siva Somu were awarded a patent for creating “Nanoscale interconnects fabricated by electrical field directed assembly of nanoelements”

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Jan 23, 2015

Eckelman Receives $503K NSF CAREER Award

CEE Assistant Professor Matthew Eckelman was awarded a $503K NSF CAREER award for “Building Chemical Synthesis Networks for Life Cycle Hazard Modeling”

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Jan 23, 2015

Onabajo receives $500K NSF CAREER Award

Electrical and Computer Engineering Assistant Professor Marvin Onabajo was awarded a $500K CAREER grant from the National Science Foundation to investigate "Low-Power Transceiver Design Methods for Wireless Medical Monitoring".

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jan 22, 2015

Graduate Student Programming (TA Workshops)

The Center for Advancing Teaching & Learning through Research now offers teaching support for graduate students in their roles as teaching assistants, course instructors, and future faculty. This Spring, we are offering six workshops specifically for graduate students: • Bring Out the Best in Your Students: Positive Classroom Climate Techniques (Thursday, February 5, 3:00-4:30 PM) […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering