4156 Items found

Aug 27, 2014

Infrared Imaging System

ECE Associate Professor Charles DiMarzio was awarded a patent for his “Tunable laser-based infrared imaging system and method of use thereof ”. 

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Aug 27, 2014

Vibration Energy Harvester

ECE Professor Nian Sun was awarded a patent for his invention of a vibration energy harvesting device with increased output power density. 

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Aug 27, 2014

Building Underwater Networks

ECE associate professors Stefano Basagni, Yunsi Fei, & professor Milica Stojanovic were awarded a $400K NSF grant to develop a Northeastern University Marine Observatory NETwork (NU MONET).

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Aug 26, 2014

Patent for Nanotubes

ChE professor Thomas Webster and Hicham Fenniri were awarded a patent for using “Nanotubes and compositions thereof” on the surfaces of implants.

Chemical Engineering

Aug 26, 2014

Passion for Quality Awarded

HSyE Research Associate Salah Haridy received the 2014 American Society for Quality’s Richard A. Freund International Scholarship for continued quality control research. 

Aug 19, 2014

Fusing Nanotube Structures

MIE Associate Professors Yung Joon Jung, Moneesh Upmanyu, Carol Livermore-Clifford, and ECE Professor David Kaeli were awarded an $1.3M NSF grant to create high-performance carbon nanofibers.

Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

man in white shirt standing outside facing camera with arms folded

Aug 13, 2014

Thwarting Cyber-espionage

ECE & Khoury College Associate Professor Engin Kirda is developing advanced malware detection software to analyze and protect against the growing number of targeted cyberattacks. When it comes to Internet attacks, hackers have tra­di­tion­ally taken a blanket approach, sending out mal­ware to large, random groups of people and hoping that some­thing would stick. But in […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Aug 12, 2014

Battling Unemployment

MIE professor Abe Zeid, associate professor Sagar Kamarthi, & STEM Director of Programs & Partnerships Claire Duggan were awarded a $700K NSF grant to TRANSFORM liberal arts curriculum towards manufacturing.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering