4156 Items found

Aug 08, 2014

Detecting Vulnerabilities

ECE & CCIS Associate Professor Engin Kirda & Assistant Professor Wil Robertson won a $500K NSF grant to build an analysis tool which automates, engineers, & summarizes closed source binary software

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Aug 08, 2014

Modeling Nonlinear Data

ECE Professors Octavia Camps, Mario Sznaier, & CEE Associate Professor Ferdinand Hellweger were awarded a $380K NSF grant to use OUR Charles to generate models of high volume nonlinear data steams.

Civil & Environmental Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering

Aug 06, 2014

Learning While Teaching

By participating in NUTRONS, NU’s FIRST Robotics team, undergraduates are able to teach high school students to build robots while reinforcing their own engineering skills.

Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Aug 06, 2014

Early Pothole Detection

The research developed by the VOTERS center (led by CEE Professor Ming Wang) for detecting the formation of potholes was featured in Fast Company. 

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Aug 06, 2014

NECN Interviews Webster

ChE Professor & Chair Thomas Webster was interviewed by NECN to discuss the possibilities of using nanomedicine to treat Ebola and other diseases. InSolution explains how he wants to use gold nanostars to attack virus or cancer cells.

Chemical Engineering

Aug 06, 2014

Students build community through robotics engineering

North­eastern stu­dents in Nutrons 125, the university’s student-​​led robotics engi­neering team, may be the archi­tects of the robots they build each year, but it’s not pos­sible without col­lab­o­rating with a score of tech savvy high school students. Founded in 1998, Nutrons is part of FIRST, a world­wide robot com­pe­ti­tion in which teams not only design, build, and […]

Aug 06, 2014

Journal Highlights 25 Years

Chemical Engineering Professor and Chair Thomas Webster is featured in a video clip highlighting his paper which is one of the most cited and downloaded papers in the journal Nanotechnology.

Chemical Engineering

Aug 04, 2014

Hot & Cold Climate Extremes

CIV Associate Professor Auroop Ganguly used Big Data tools to determine that global warming will result in both hot and cold extreme temperature fluctuation.

Civil & Environmental Engineering