4156 Items found

Jul 17, 2014

Life Cycles of Metals

Civil and Environmental Engineering Assistant Professor Matthew Eckelman was published in PLOS ONE for his research “Life Cycle Assessment of Metals: A Scientific Synthesis”, which examines the environmental impacts of 63 different metals. Dr. Eckelman received his BA in Physics and Mathematics from Amherst College and his MS and Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering from Yale. PLOS […]

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Jul 16, 2014

Alum earns entrepreneurship award for startup

When Asan­terabi Malima was 15, his father suf­fered a fatal heart attack at 57. He had been an accom­plished scholar and min­ister in the Tan­zanian gov­ern­ment. “Everyone in my family is in pol­i­tics,” said Malima, PhD’13, a grad­uate of the Depart­ment of Elec­trical and Com­puter Engi­neering and now a post­doc­toral researcher in Northeastern’s Center for High Rate Nanoman­u­fac­turing. […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Jul 15, 2014

Prof. Ningfang Mi on Predicting the Unpredictable

There’s an almost mythical quality to Professor Ningfang Mi’s work in computing resource management and capacity planning.  Her research aims to revolutionize the behind-the-scenes operations of the Internet and cloud computing to increase quality, improve efficiency, and decrease costs. But in a world with billions of web pages and billions of Internet users, this is […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jul 15, 2014

Examining Properties of Bones

MIE Associate Professor Sandra Shefelbine & Assistant Professor Marilyn Minus were awarded a $384K NSF grant to study the properties that make up a bone's strength and toughness.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Jul 11, 2014

Congratulations Caroline Webb

Caroline Webb, a student of Chemical Engineering, is the recipient of a 2014 Provost Undergraduate Research Award in the amount of $1,000. Recipients of this award are funded by the Provost's Office and are overseen by full-time Northeastern faculty members. Students are also encouraged to present the results of their research at campus-wide events such as RISE, which […]

Jul 11, 2014

From Stronger Kevlar to Better Biology

Assistant professor Marilyn Minus has received a grant to expand her nanomaterial templating process to design better synthetic collagen fibers and better flame-retardant coatings.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Jul 01, 2014

Jalili Appointed AE

MIE Associate Professor Nader Jalili has been appointed Associate Editor of the ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics.

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Jun 30, 2014

A simpler way to test for water pollution

Some of the toxins found in our air and water­ways were put there inten­tion­ally: DDT, for instance, was intro­duced to pro­tect against malaria and other insect-​​borne dis­eases. Others find their way into the envi­ron­ment unintentionally.

Civil & Environmental Engineering