4156 Items found

Mar 14, 2014

Northeastern ECE Professor and Chair Sheila S. Hemami presents Professor José Moura with the Distinguished Speaker Seminar plaque

Professor José M. F. Moura delivered the latest ECE Distinguished Speaker Series seminar on March 14 at Northeastern. The lecture, "The Data Deluge – the End of Theory?” drew examples from social media to discuss Big Data and whether this new influx of information has the power to render theories obsolete. Prof. Moura—who specializes in […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Mar 12, 2014

Carol Livermore integrates origami into tissue engineering

Carol Livermore, Associate Professor of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Engineering tissue to create livers and other human organs for transplant is a fast-growing field in biotechnology. To overcome one of its critical challenges, Livermore is applying the ancient Japanese art of paper folding, origami. Current tissue engineering methods lack precision in placing blood vessels and […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Mar 05, 2014

Nano-scale Templating

MIE Assistant Professor Marilyn Minus was awarded a $400K NSF CAREER grant to develop a new manufacturing process to control polymer molecular alignment in nano-composite materials.  Dr. Minus' research focuses on the properties of nano-composites.    Award Abstract

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Mar 03, 2014

Multipurpose Nanocrystals

ChE Professor & Chair Thomas Webster was featured in the Boston Herald for his use of nanocrystals to fix everything from potholes to cancer cells.

Chemical Engineering

Mar 03, 2014

Face value

Face­book is home to nearly 3 bil­lion photos. Every minute, YouTube grows by another 100 hours of video. And, according to IHS Research, some 30 mil­lion sur­veil­lance cam­eras pepper our public spaces, col­lecting nearly 4 bil­lion hours of footage each week. Need­less to say, there’s a lot of image data that’s ripe for the picking. Con­tent like this […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Feb 24, 2014

A VAST solution for airport security

It doesn’t matter whether you’re a ter­rorist or a two-​​year-​​old who’s been sep­a­rated from her par­ents at the air­port: if you cause a dis­tur­bance in the flow of air­port traffic, you can also cause severe chaos and eco­nomic damage. Regard­less of your moti­va­tion, moving the wrong way through a secu­rity check­point is treated as a threat […]

Feb 24, 2014

Northeastern breaks ground on state-​​of-​​the-​​art science and engineering complex

Members of Northeastern & the Boston community were present for the Interdisciplinary Science and Engineering Complex groundbreaking ceremony.

Feb 19, 2014

Want your computer to go faster? Just add light

Every second, your com­puter must process bil­lions of com­pu­ta­tional steps to pro­duce even the sim­plest out­puts. Imagine if every one of those steps could be made just a tiny bit more effi­cient. “It would save pre­cious nanosec­onds,” explained North­eastern Uni­ver­sity assis­tant pro­fessor of physics Swastik Kar. Kar and his col­league Yung Joon Jung, an asso­ciate pro­fessor in the […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering