4156 Items found

Jan 30, 2014

Wil Robertson outthinks the cybercriminals

William Robertson, assistant professor of computer and information science and electrical and computer engineering Among researchers focused on cleaning up the world’s black market of Internet insecurity, Robertson is a leader—in large part because he has learned to think like a cybercriminal. This highly sophisticated set of hackers, members of a global Internet mafia, sit […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jan 30, 2014

Carey Rappaport makes security measures more transparent

Carey Rappaport, professor of electrical and computer engineering Rappaport and his team are developing technology for airport scanning that will make your trip through the security checkpoint faster—and that could make your flight safer. Existing millimeter wave scanners—the kind you’d walk through at any airport from Boston to Beijing—are good at distinguishing between skin and […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jan 29, 2014

Mosallaei Gets $500K Grant

ECE Associate Professor Hossein Mosallaei received a $500K AFOSR grant to investigate a new paradigm for light manipulation, Nanoantennas for Engineering Waves on the Surface.  Dr. Mosallaei's research interests include Physics and Modeling of Materials, Hybridized Materials and Microwave and Photonic Systems.

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jan 29, 2014

Mi Receives $350K Air Force Young Investigator Award

ECE Assistant Professor Ningfang Mi received a $350K Air Force Young Investigator Award to Create An Integrated Management Layer To Administer Heterogeneous Resources in Dynamic Workflow Clusters. The United States Air Force Office of Scientific Research announced this month that Dr. Ningfang Mi will be among the 42 nationwide awardees of this year's prestigious Air […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jan 27, 2014

Students Win Paper Competition

Healthcare Systems Engineering Institute (HSyE) IE students Serpil Mutlu (PhD) and Rachel Miller (MS) won the 2014 Institute of Industrial Engineers graduate student healthcare paper competition for their paper "Optimizing Resident Based Teamlet Schedules to Improve Continuity in Primary Care".  HSyE students seek to improve healthcare through research and engineering application methods. The Institute offers […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Jan 23, 2014

Snow falls differently on the nanoscale

This time of year it’s not hard to imagine the world buried under a smooth blanket of snow. A picnic table on a flat lawn even­tu­ally van­ishes as tril­lions of snowflakes col­lect around it, a crys­talline sheet obscuring the normally-​​visible peaks and val­leys of our sum­mer­time world. This is basi­cally how sci­en­tists under­stand the clas­sical theory […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Jan 22, 2014

Huang Selected as Fellow

MIE Chair & Professor Hanchen Huang was selected to become a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) for his contributions to nanomechanics and nanofabrication. Dr. Huang's affiliations also include the American Association for the Advancement of Science and the Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society. 

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Jan 21, 2014

ECE Professor David Kaeli Delivers 2014 European HiPEAC Conference Keynote

ECE Professor David Kaeli delivered the keynote address on Monday in Vienna, Austria for the 2014 European Network of Excellence on High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation (HiPEAC) conference. His address, entitled "The Road to New Programming Models and Architectures for Future Heterogeneous Systems," examined the widening gap between hardware technology and programming models. […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering