4156 Items found
raymond fu

Jan 21, 2014

Fu Receives INNS Young Investigator Award

Electrical and Computer Engineering and College of Computer and Information Science Assistant Professor Y. Raymond Fu received the 2014 International Neural Network Society’s Young Investigator Award for his contributions in the field of Neural Networks. The INNS Young Investigator Award is presented to researchers with no more than five years of postdoctoral experience for significant contributions in the […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

raymond fu

Jan 16, 2014

Fu Awarded $160K Grant

Assistant Professor Y. Raymond Fu, a faculty member associated with the Department of Electrical and Chemical Engineering (ECE) and the College of Computer and Information Science (CCIS), received a $160K grant from Samsung to support his research in visual recognition. Dr. Fu obtained his Ph.D. degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Illinois and taught at […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jan 14, 2014

3Qs: Could circuits’ face-​​lift mean faster, smaller phones?

ECE Associate Professor Nian Sun has developed a method for RF circuits to be tunable on both the capacitor & inductor side, allowing for smaller cell phones and longer battery life.  Imagine a cell phone that’s half the size with longer bat­tery time and better per­for­mance. That could become a reality thanks to new research […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jan 13, 2014

Murthy to Select Features

Chemical Engineering Associate Professor Shashi Murthy was appointed as a member of the Features Advisory Panel for the American Chemical Society’s journal Analytical Chemistry. Dr. Murthy joined Northeastern faculty in 2005 and is also secondarily an Associate Professor at the Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering and a Faculty Fellow at the Barnett Institute of Chemical […]

Chemical Engineering, Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Jan 13, 2014

Webster Selected Fellow

Chemical Engineering professor and Chair of department Thomas Webster was selected as a Fellow of the Ernst Strüngmann Forum, which is dedicated to the promotion of interdisciplinary communication and research. The Ernst Strüngmann Forum provides scientists and researchers with an environment of international creative discussion.  Dr. Webster obtained his Ph.D. degree in Biomedical Engineering at the Renssealer […]

Chemical Engineering

Jan 07, 2014

Professor Dagmar Sternad Gives 2013 Arthur Iberall Distinguished Lecture on Life and the Sciences of Complexity at University of Connecticut

Dr. Dagmar Sternad, Professor of Biology, Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Physics, gave the 2013 Arthur Iberall Distinguished Lecture on Life and the Sciences of Complexity at the University of Connecticut on December 6, 2013. Dr. Sternad's lecture, "Actions and Interactions in a Complex World," surveyed her work on the control of sensorimotor skills and […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jan 07, 2014

Professor emeritus honored for engineering education career

Elec­trical engi­neering pro­fessor emer­itus John Proakis has received nearly a dozen awards and aca­d­emic honors in his time, but he con­siders his most recent one the defining achieve­ment of his illus­trious career: The James H. Mul­ligan, Jr. Edu­ca­tion Medal, which rec­og­nizes engi­neering edu­ca­tors’ imag­i­na­tion, vitality, and lead­er­ship and rep­re­sents the highest honor in edu­ca­tion awarded […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Jan 07, 2014

Smart bike pedals toward accident prevention

Every day, about two people in the U.S. suc­cumb to fatal cycling acci­dents while more than 130 suffer harmful injuries. But in an era of increasing con­cern for the envi­ron­ment, cycling is an impor­tant mode of trans­porta­tion, one that could begin to replace gas-​​guzzling cars, trains, and buses. Indeed, Amer­i­cans could save the nation an […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering