4156 Items found

Dec 02, 2013

Congratulations Radhika Barua

Radhika Barua, a Chemical Engineering Ph.D. candidate has been selected as one of two recipients of the 2013-2014 GMAG (Topical Group on Magnetism) PhD Dissertation Research Award for outstanding dissertation research in magnetism. The award includes a cash prize of $500, an additional $250 towards her travel expenses for the March meeting, and an invited talk […]

Chemical Engineering

Dec 02, 2013

Researchers ready for historic aquatic ‘Mission’

“Only when he can range wider, stay longer, go deeper, can man learn to uti­lize the incred­ible wealth of the sea.” In 1973, those words wel­comed viewers into the unprece­dented on-​​screen adven­ture of The Undersea World of Jacques Cousteau. Now, 40 years later, North­eastern researchers are teaming up with Cousteau’s grandson, Fabien, to reignite the famous oceanographer’s […]

Dec 02, 2013

Gupta: Book of the Month

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Professor Surendra Gupta’s book “Reverse Supply Chains: Issues and Analysis” was selected as Book of the Month by Industrial Engineer Magazine. The magazine serves the diverse audience of professionals and students whose common interest is industrial engineering. Their mission is to provide useful, interesting, timely and thought-provoking content that addresses the broad spectrum […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Nov 27, 2013

ECE Superstars win at supercomputers

When pro­fessor Dave Kaeli approached them about entering a super­com­puter com­pe­ti­tion, elec­trical and com­puter engi­neering stu­dents Neel Shah and Tushar Swamy had zero expe­ri­ence in the task at hand. “I had never even built a reg­ular com­puter,” said Shah, let alone a super one. But that didn’t stop them from signing up…nor from stealing the […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Nov 25, 2013

Nickerson Awarded Scholarship

Matthew Nickerson, a Mechanical and Industrial Engineering BS/MS student, is the recipient of a $5000 James D. Arangio Scholarship. The family of James D. Arangio ’62 has established a scholarship fund in the name of their father James to benefit one deserving student with a similar passion and dedication to the field of Mechanical Engineering and […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Nov 25, 2013

Sharrows on Steroids

Boston installs "sharrows on steroids," a new way of marking lanes shared by bikes and cars, invented by Civil and Environmental Engineering Professor Peter Furth. Dr. Furth received a Ph.D. degree in Transportation Systems from MIT in 1981 and his expertise areas include traffic signal control and priority, transit operations modeling and transit data collection.

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Nov 21, 2013

Robotic inspectors on disaster duty

In March 2011, the Tohoku earth­quake in Japan ini­ti­ated a tsunami that wreaked havoc across the coast of the island nation. The most infa­mous damage occurred when the Fukushima Daichii nuclear power plant suf­fered serious equip­ment fail­ures, which led to the second largest nuclear dis­aster in history. In the after­math, inspec­tion and repair crews faced severe […]

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Nov 21, 2013

To treat cancer, is the force strong with nanorobots?

Every day, more than 20,000 people around the world suc­cumb to cancer, according to sta­tis­tics com­piled by the World Health Orga­ni­za­tion. Thou­sands more con­tinue to suffer through treat­ment and its side effects. Since the drugs used to kill cancer cells are just as toxic to neigh­boring healthy cells, researchers have long cov­eted a drug delivery method […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering