4156 Items found

Oct 31, 2013

From Classroom to Business: 3Qs with 3-​​Spark

Pitching your busi­ness to U.S. Sen. Eliz­a­beth Warren is no easy feat, but it helps when you’ve prac­ticed your ele­vator pitch a number of times before­hand, says North­eastern alumnus and researcher Richard Ranky, co-​​founder and CEO of 3-​​Spark, LLC. Together with Dis­tin­guished Pro­fessor of Engi­neering Con­stan­tinos Mavroidis, aca­d­emic spe­cialist Mark Sivak, and doc­toral stu­dent Lexi […]

Oct 30, 2013

Congratulations PES Scholars

ECE students Alyssa Bezreh, Neel Shah, & Sahil Maripuri were selected as 2013/14 PES Scholarship Plus recipients which supports students interested in the power and energy industry. In 2013-14 academic year, a total of 228 undergraduate students have been selected as IEEE Power and Energy Society Scholars. In addition Sahil Maripuri was one of seven […]

Electrical & Computer Engineering

Oct 30, 2013

Upmanyu Featured on Cover

Mechanical and Industrial Engineering Associate Professor Moneesh Upmanyu was featured on the cover of the Journal of Materials Chemistry C for his research of "Vapor-liquid-solid growth of serrated GaN nanowires: shape selection driven by kinetic frustration." Journal of Materials Chemistry C  is a weekly journal in the materials field. The journal is interdisciplinary, publishing work of international significance on all aspects of materials chemistry […]

Mechanical & Industrial Engineering

Oct 29, 2013

CEE 2013 Graduate Steven Earl wins AISC National Scholarship

Congratulations to CEE 2013 graduate Steven Earl who was selected to receive a $5,000 Education Foundation Scholarship from American Institute of Steel Construction. This scholarship is awarded to students with outstanding achievement in the fields of Civil, Architectural, and Construction Engineering. Steven Earl plans to use the scholarship to support his graduate studies at Stanford […]

Civil & Environmental Engineering

Oct 29, 2013

Fueling Economic Growth

ECE & ChE Professor Vincent Harris’s company Metamagnetics, which develops radar and communication electronics for military applications, is a prime example of small companies fueling economic growth. Source: News @ Northeastern Uni­ver­sity Dis­tin­guished Pro­fessor Vin­cent Harris had been devel­oping novel mate­rials at the Naval Research Lab­o­ra­tory for almost 15 years when he founded Meta­m­ag­netics, a small […]

Chemical Engineering, Electrical & Computer Engineering

Oct 28, 2013

Prestigious Lecture Award

Chemical Engineering Professor and Chair of Department Thomas Webster will be awarded the 11th Annual Sahaj Memorial Lecture Award from the Indian Ceramic Society at their annual meeting for his expertise in Bioceramics. The Indian Ceramic Society (InCerS), a non-profit organization, was established in 1928 with the blessings and active support of Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya, the […]

Chemical Engineering

Oct 23, 2013

Egg drop on steroids

For 10 years, engi­neering pro­fessor Richard Whalen has held what he calls an “egg-​​drop com­pe­ti­tion on steroids.” If you haven’t par­tic­i­pated in an egg drop com­pe­ti­tion your­self, chances are you’ve at least heard about it. Stu­dents are asked to build a con­trap­tion that safely delivers a fragile egg to the ground from a dis­tance above. Increase that […]

Oct 22, 2013

NU Civil Engineering Students Participate in the 18th Annual CANstruction Competition

The NU Chapter of Chi Epsilon created a “Defeating Despicable Hunger” display made of over 3000 non-perishable food cans at the 2013 CANstruction competition.

Civil & Environmental Engineering